Rest Is More Than A Conference June 16, 2021


Rest was built into the creation week for a reason. Have you ever considered that the first day man ever lived on this planet was a day of rest? Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day and the very next day God declared a day of rest! Modern culture says work until you drop; rest only when you have to. But the Creator said find your rest in Him and let all of your labor grow out of that rest. The rest we need is more than physical, but a spiritual rest found only in Him.

It is pride (and ignorance) to think that Christian workers can labor without ever having their own souls replenished. The Lord Jesus said to His first followers, “Come ye yourselves apart…and rest awhile” (Mark 6:31). This is still good advice for busy ministers today. Tammy and I look forward each year to hosting the REST Conference with Pastor Scott Hooks and his wife Melanie. This refreshing gathering is more than a conference – it is an emphasis on what we all need, the health of our own inner man.

Would you join us on Labor Day for The REST Conference? Last year our meeting had to be online but we are excited about being back in Hickory, NC on September 6-8, 2021.

This year’s theme is: “they strengthened their hands for this good work” from Nehemiah 2:18. The spiritual conflict is intense. All of us are facing a war in the midst of our work and we believe that you will be strengthened by the fellowship, seasons of prayer, and time in God’s Word. Here are a few pieces of information that may help you as you make your plans:

  • Sessions are designed for pastors, staff members, Christian workers, and their spouses. Single adults are welcomed to attend. 
  • The conference begins on Monday evening with a nice meal and evening session and concludes on Wednesday at lunch.
  • Pastor Mike Norris and Pastor Roger Pauley and their wives will join us this year for helpful sessions and question and answer times.
  • Free time is built into the schedule to enjoy the area and spend with friends or family.
  • Dress is casual. The only church service is on Tuesday evening.

You may find full details and register at You may also contact Tabernacle Baptist Church at (828) 324-9936 if we can help in any way. We hope to see you in September!

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