The Revelation Series and Our Next Study May 14, 2021


My heart has been helped studying through the Revelation of Jesus Christ over the last several months. Christians have no reason to dread and every reason to hope! The King is Coming!

We have heard from so many listeners who have been strengthened through our time in the last book of Scripture. There is a special blessing promised to those who live in God’s Word (Revelation 1:3), and it is my prayer that all of us will continue to give attention every day to the soon return of Christ.

Today could be the day.

If the Lord allows us to live and tarries His coming, we will begin a new series on the Enjoying the Journey podcast next week. I look forward to studying through a powerful book of the Old Testament with you later in the summer (more on that soon!). But before we begin another book study I want to take a few weeks and look briefly at the first followers of Jesus. This biographical look at the original disciples will help all of us who want to follow more closely to the Lord.

Monday we will start our new series: THE TWELVE: A Look at Christ’s First Disciples & Help for Every Follower of Jesus.

  • If you would like to listen to any of the Revelation studies which are concluding today you may find them, along with all of the other series, in our archive at
  • You can subscribe to ETJ on any podcaster player or visit to listen to the new episodes beginning next week.

Thanks for journeying through the Word of God with us! I pray you are enjoying the journey with Jesus today.


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  1. Jonna Smith on May 14, 2021 at 10:26 AM

    Oh, Bro. Pauley, count me in the group of those who have been so blessed by this book and study through Revelation! It has challenged me, renewed my hope, and given me reason to rejoice as it has done its purpose in revealing more of my Savior to me. His heart toward mankind is so lovely! Thank you for giving of your time to share it. I’m looking forward to the next study coming up!

    • scottpauley on May 15, 2021 at 2:25 PM

      Thank you for joining us for the studies and thank God for His goodness to us all!

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