Hymn History: Great Is Thy Faithfulness
“It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion,...
Hymn History: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
“...looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at...
Hymn History: Near to the Heart of God
“The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.“ – Psalm 145:18 We are thrilled to share a series of brief...
Hymn History: I Will Sing of My Redeemer
“Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works." – Titus 2:14 We are thrilled to share...
Hymn History: Hold the Fort
“ And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” – Revelation 22:12 We are thrilled to share a...
How To Make The Most Of This Season In Life
Seasons are marked by change. The autumn leaves turning colors and falling to the ground are a reminder to us all that time is passing. And while we love some...
So Much Insanity!
Have you watched the news lately? At times it seems that the whole world has gone crazy. Logic has disappeared and common sense is at an all-time low. Some say...
Encouragement from a Friend
These are unusual days for God's people and many are fighting discouragement. A dear friend who labors in a challenging part of the world recently shared an encouraging article full...
A Moment for The Gospel
Earlier this week I posted 5 Books to Read on Witnessing. In this season of "social distancing" and health fears it is possible that we could all lose sight of...
You Can Learn a Lot About Life In a Garden
Grant decided he was going to plant a garden this year. His very own. He wanted to work it from scratch and use no plants, just seeds. The primitive,...
What To Do When The Crisis Has Passed
Perhaps like me you are beginning to get impatient or bored with the current state of things in our nation. A little stir crazy? We must remember that, like everything...
Living In Uncertain Times
The world is shaking...but God is not! These are uncertain days but the people of God have a certain future. He has not failed us, forgotten us, or forsaken us...
Dealing With Fear
What is ahead? As I write these words the news is filled with stories related to the Coronavirus that is sweeping the globe and the downturn of financial markets. Mix...
America This Week by Byron Foxx
This week we witnessed a majority of the House of Representatives vote in favor of impeachment of the President. For months we have heard the most opprobrious language hurled back...
Life’s Delays
Delayed. One of the most dreaded words in air travel. It glares in yellow letters from the airport monitors. The very word sounds like what it represents - a long...
Why You Should Use Gospel Tracts
Gospel literature is one means of communicating the message of Christ to great numbers of people one at a time. Imagine how many people could be reached if every believer...
Reaching A Generation
We are all concerned about the direction of our communities and our country. It is easy to spend all of our time listening to the commentators and talking about how...
Reflections On The Death Of My Childhood Friend
Last night I was asked to share a few thoughts at a memorial service for one of my childhood friends. Ramie and I attended kindergarten through high school together. He...
Ideas for Keeping Yourself Fresh
Living on the road can be a challenge. In fact, life itself is a challenge! The duties and demands of every day. The pull and pressure of people. It is...
Departures, Delays, and Detours
Someone said to me not long ago, "You must really love to travel!" Anyone who has spent much time on the road will tell you that the initial thrill and adventure...
A Post By My 17 Year Old Daughter
Tammy and I thank the Lord for our children. Like every parent we pray that they will desire to follow Christ. More and more I understand the words of John,...
The Devil Doesn’t Need Our Help!
Dr. Lee Roberson used to say, "It takes no size to criticize." Indeed one of the smallest things a man can do is to tear someone else down. Christ always...
What to Do When Everything Changes
This past year has been a year of change in my life. Our home has changed. My work has changed. Schedules, routines, and so much that had been familiar was...
Joy in the Midst of Conflict
Lester Roloff used to sing an old gospel song that said, "It's a battlefield brother, not a recreation room. It's a fight and not a game! So run if you...
A Message Christian Young People Desperately Need
It is my privilege to speak to young people on a regular basis. I have to admit that they are my favorite group to preach to! You always know where...
How to Speak “A Good Word”
Someone once said in my presence, "Be kind to others. Everybody is having a hard time."They were right.We all have our struggles and you may be surprised at the people...