Devotional Blog

On every trip, decisions are made. Along the road of life, we inevitably face intersections and decisions about which way to go. It is at those moments that we must live by faith, asking God for wisdom and believing that He will never lead in the wrong direction. It is our hope that each article on the blog will encourage you to keep enjoying the journey…and look for Jesus along the way.

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Moody’s passion for the gospel is deeply in the heart of my friend, Bob Crichton, and I know he will be a tremendous help in advancing that cause at this time.

“Friends and Mentors”

Bob and Betty Crichton The Lord brings people into your life at just the right time and for many reasons. At certain junctures on the journey, He allows individuals to cross your path to help you find direction. Several years ago when I was serving at the Temple Baptist Church and Crown College, God providentially…


Reading the Christmas Story

Dad and mom made it a practice to read the Christmas story with our family each Christmas morning. As a little boy this was a...

How God Used A Christmas Passage To Show Me His Will

It was Sunday, September 7, 2015. My mind was racing in so many directions. I knew that God was working in my life to show...

Beyond Bethlehem

I do love Christmas. While there are so many enjoyable aspects to this time of year, we must never forget that, for a Christian, every...


Everyone’s favorite verse to quote in recent times has been, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2...

12 Days of Christmas!

Go ahead and sing it - you know the words! We have always had a lot of fun singing and acting out the old Christmas...

An Idea for Your Christmas Cards

Have you sent out your Christmas cards yet? Through the years it has become increasingly difficult to send cards to everyone that we love and...


This has been a strange year for all of us. One of the words that we have heard repeatedly is the word canceled. Business meetings...


It is always an encouragement to hear from friends who are studying God’s Word with us each day on Enjoying the Journey. I just received...

New Audio Book Released

I had to laugh as I thought of how we all spoke of 2020 as the year to emphasize vision, only to discover that this...

Change of Plans!

Change of plans - we have all heard those words a lot this year! On this day we had planned to be touring the land...

A Gift for Giving Tuesday

Yesterday was the day that Americans spent all of their money online and today is the day they are encouraged to give whatever they have...

The Final Month of a Unique Year

2020 has become a byword for the unexpected and unusual. While we have all laughed and cried at the twists and turns of this year,...
Name of God


There is no name like the name of our great God! The apostles said of the name of Jesus, "Neither is there salvation in any...

How To Say “Thank You”

Several years ago I had the joy of speaking to a large group of children on the subject of thanksgiving. In preparation I learned how...

Thankful In Difficult Days

Thankful In Difficult Days God’s people are commanded to give thanks at all times and in all circumstances - not when we feel like it....

Recent Reads & Recommendations

A few nights ago I had the privilege after a meeting to spend some time with a group of young preachers. We had a wonderful...

Christians Should Vote!

As Americans citizens we have been blessed - spoiled, in fact - to grow up in freedom. It is a freedom that few have enjoyed...

Praise and Prayer – Our November Schedule

As we approach this Thanksgiving month I am both grateful and prayerful. The Lord continues to guide and protect us. Week after week we see...