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What Does the Bible Say?
What Does the Bible Say? It is impossible to get the right answer when you are asking the wrong question! Our world is full of issues that must be addressed, but it is imperative that we know where to go for direction and how to make decisions. In an age of relativism we must return…

Daily Battles (Daily Living – Part 6)
There are many daily blessings in the Christian life. There are also daily battles. One of the ironies of walking with Christ is that much...

A Better Way to Say Goodbye
Over the last few months several of my dearest friends have said goodbye to loved ones and watched them slip away to Heaven. Moments like...

March Itinerary and Special Request for Prayer
Many friends have taken up a ministry of prayer on our behalf. In just a few days we will begin sending a monthly update via...

Daily Dying (Daily Living – Part 5)
Walking with Christ is a daily matter. I hope you are enjoying this blog series on daily truths for the Christian life. (If you are...

Let’s Hear It For the Preacher’s Wife!
Brace yourself for a lengthy dedication! This post is dedicated to my beautiful wife, my loving mother, my faithful pastor's wife, my wonderful sister and...

Daily Bread (Daily Living – Part 4)
Confession: I love to eat. Food makes the day so much more interesting. It is one of my favorite hobbies to tour America by restaurant!...

Daily Thanksgiving (Daily Living – Part 3)
I love Thanksgiving. (And, yes, I know this is not November!) For too many of us thanksgiving is a day of the year instead of...

Daily Confession (Daily Living – Part 2)
My second year in college I enrolled in a Greek class. It met at 7:00 in the morning. Now, I don't think English well before...

Ministry Update and February Itinerary
Tomorrow we will finish our first month of full-time evangelistic work. The Lord has been so wonderful to us. We are truly grateful for many...

New Website!
In just three days we will launch the new website for the evangelistic work God has called us to do. will be available beginning Monday,...

Daily Worship (Daily Living – Part 1)
Some things must be done every day to sustain life. This is as true in the spiritual realm as it is in the physical. The...

New Blog Series!
The Christian life is not lived one day a week. It is lived every day. Walking with Jesus is not an event; it is a way...

What to Do When Your Devotional Life Grows Stale
Has your devotional life become dry? As far as you know there is no unconfessed sin. You are reading the Bible and going through the...

Run Your Race!
About five months ago I did something I have never done - I started running. I should have started years ago. While physically it has...

Our Itinerary for January 2016
In a few weeks we will launch a new website. We hope that will provide gospel resources as well as encouragement to believers, families, and churches....

Still Enjoying the Journey
About four years ago I began blogging. I have been more regular at times than at others, but it has been a good exercise for...