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What Does the Bible Say?
What Does the Bible Say? It is impossible to get the right answer when you are asking the wrong question! Our world is full of issues that must be addressed, but it is imperative that we know where to go for direction and how to make decisions. In an age of relativism we must return…

3 Christmas Traditions
We all have them. At times they must be adjusted, but always they live in our memory. Traditions held with family and friends. Fixed reference...

A Christmas Letter from the Writer of Amazing Grace
You will be tempted not to finish reading this post. Could I ask you now to read to the very end? I have just completed...

Our December Itinerary and Family Update
This has been a whirlwind year! In just a few days we will publish a year-end newsletter and report on this year's meetings. If you...

The Last Meetings of 2016 – Our December Itinerary
God's Word and God's Spirit have become very precious to me this year. In cities and rural communities, in church meetings and area rallies, we...

What’s On Your List?
Some time ago my wife challenged each member of our family to share three things for which we were grateful each night as we went...

3 Truths to Remember When You Are Disappointed
Life in a fallen world is full of disappointments. Situations don't always turn out the way you hope. The best people let you down. Your...

My Advice to Church Staff Members
Over the last few weeks I have had the privilege of spending time with a number of church staff members in the places where I...

A Spoiled Generation
A Spoiled Generation Recently I drove through the cemetery where all of my grandparents are now buried. I paused for a few moments at each...

Ministry Update and Our November Itinerary
In the last few days we have moved into our new home in West Virginia. Thank you for praying for our family during this season...

How I Am Voting (and you should too)
This week I am preaching a revival meeting in the Washington, D.C. area. My heart has been stirred afresh. The future of our nation hangs...

A Personal Invitation to CORE 2017
One of Satan's greatest tools is discouragement. I am afraid that many preachers are so disillusioned with the condition of our nation that they wonder if...

90 Days and Counting
28,835. That is the estimated number of days the average American now lives. Sounds like a long time, doesn't it? Until you start figuring up...

Getting the Most Out of a Church Meeting
Boredom seems to be the order of the day. Why go to church anyhow? A Church in Decay Church attendance nationally...

A New Season and Our October Itinerary
My favorite season has arrived. Fall is officially here. This year our family is celebrating the changing of the leaves in the beautiful mountains of...

Special Lunch Meeting for Preachers in Bristol, VA
This week thousands of people will converge on the Tri-Cities area of Virginia and Tennessee for "The Battle at Bristol." As much as I enjoy...

A Deepening Conviction
Every conviction in our hearts should grow out of God's Word. With the passage of time those convictions that are founded in eternal truth only...