Devotional Blog

On every trip, decisions are made. Along the road of life, we inevitably face intersections and decisions about which way to go. It is at those moments that we must live by faith, asking God for wisdom and believing that He will never lead in the wrong direction. It is our hope that each article on the blog will encourage you to keep enjoying the journey…and look for Jesus along the way.

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"You do not need to be famous to be faithful. God does not measure our labor by size but by its sort (1 Corinthians 3:5-14). The lives of Aquila and Priscilla teach us what a difference a couple can make by committing their lives to the work of God."

Who Were Aquila and Priscilla?

Who Were Aquila and Priscilla? There are many famous names in Scripture: Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Deborah, David, Solomon, Esther, Daniel, and others. Yet, few know much about Aquila and Priscilla. However, God used this wonderful couple in an eternal way in the early church. The first time we meet Aquila, and his wife…


5 Books to Read On Marriage & Family (And One I Am Starting To Read)

This week I had the privilege of speaking in a special seminar on the Christian home. The people in attendance were young and old, single...

Exciting News to Share

One of the great joys of serving the Lord is watching Him work in ways we could never have planned. Yes, we are “laborers together...

Dear Church Member…

What if you received a letter from the Founder of the church? In fact, you have it in your hands each time you hold the...

5 Books to Read About America

I love America. God has been gracious to our land and I thank the Lord for the privilege of being born in this country. Like...

3 Things to Remember Behind the Mask

It is a strange day. I can't get use to seeing everyone in masks. The last few days I have been flying frequently and wearing...

So Much Insanity!

Have you watched the news lately? At times it seems that the whole world has gone crazy. Logic has disappeared and common sense is at...

5 Books To Read On Music

Let me begin by saying that I am not a musician! The books that I am recommending are not related to the technical aspects of...

5 Books To Read As Commentaries

Frequently I am asked what Bible commentaries I would recommend. This is a broad question without an easy answer. Some commentators are better on some...

Our August Schedule

The adventure continues! Following Christ is always an adventure but the current situation in our world makes it even more so. These are days where...

5 Books To Read To Help Young People

Much of my ministry has been connected to young people. It was my privilege to serve for many years as a church youth director. I...

Next Stop: The Numbers Psalms

Life is a journey and the fourth section of the Psalms, known as the Numbers Psalms, shows us the goodness and guidance of God along...

Update on the Rest Conference

Many of you have asked in recent days about this year's Rest Conference. Pastor Scott Hooks and I, along with our wives, love hosting this...

3 Days for Young People and Those Who Love Them

The key to a nation is a generation. I believe if we lose the next generation we lose the nation. Truth endures to every generation...

5 Books To Read On Church Ministry

In a previous post I shared some recommended reading on preaching, but all of us who have been in the Lord's work for any period...

I Would Appreciate Your Help!

One of the great joys of my life is the fellowship and friendship we enjoy with the people of God. There is nothing like being...

5 Books To Read For Answers

Ours is an age of questions, skeptics, and debate. Paul described the last days well when he wrote, "Ever learning, and never able to come...

Wash Your Hands!

How many times have you heard about the importance of hand washing over the last few months? The entire world is being reeducated in basic...

5 Books To Read When You Are Having A Hard Time

Someone once said that everybody is having a hard time with something. The longer I live the more I think they were right. We are...