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“Friends and Mentors”
Bob and Betty Crichton The Lord brings people into your life at just the right time and for many reasons. At certain junctures on the journey, He allows individuals to cross your path to help you find direction. Several years ago when I was serving at the Temple Baptist Church and Crown College, God providentially…
40 Days Of Prayer
Every day should be a day of prayer, but it is a good thing to set aside specific seasons to give yourself to concentrated prayer....
Your Invitation To The Preacher’s Rest 2019
Rest is not a dirty word. It is, in fact, essential to all good work. God instituted rest before the fall of man. It is...
Something To Nibble On Later by Dr. Charles Keen
Something To Nibble On Later In Mark 6:43 we read, "And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments..." We all are familiar with...
Are You Still Running?
The other day a friend I had not talked to for some time asked if I was still running. Yes, my times have not been...
A Look At April & Beyond
It is hard to believe that the first quarter of the year will soon be gone! We are grateful for the Lord's faithfulness and the...
Welcome to Spring!
That's right. No matter where you are or how cold it is, today is officially the first day of spring! The first of warmer, brighter...
Who Was Patrick?
People around the world celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with little thought of the man for which the day is named. In fact, much of what...
Questions You Can’t Answer
Why did Jesus wait until He was 30 years of age to begin His ministry when He was so full of wisdom at the age...
Finding Your Way
Frequently I hear it said of someone that he is still trying to “find his way” in life. Our world is full of aimless drifters...
A Guest Post & Special Invitation
Bob Crichton and I had the joy of laboring together in the Lord's work for many years. He has been a faithful friend and spiritual...
The True Church Business Meeting
I arrived a half hour before the evening service was to start. One hundred people were already seated in the auditorium. Why were they early?...
God Hates Abortion
A pastor that is being mightily used of God told me this week that doctors had advised his parents to abort him. Today, I am...