Devotional Blog

On every trip, decisions are made. Along the road of life, we inevitably face intersections and decisions about which way to go. It is at those moments that we must live by faith, asking God for wisdom and believing that He will never lead in the wrong direction. It is our hope that each article on the blog will encourage you to keep enjoying the journey…and look for Jesus along the way.

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A Tool For Bible Teachers

The best teachers are those who never cease being students. This is especially so when it comes to teachers of God’s Word. Scripture is the inexhaustible mine of God’s infinite truth. It is a thrill to roll up your sleeves, gather your tools, and crawl into the deep treasure trove of the Bible! David expressed…

A Victory! Now What?

Some of life's greatest defeats come after great victories. Call it a lack of vigilance, a false sense of your own strength. There are many...

A Word for Christians about President’s Day

President's Day should be a reminder to pray.  To pray for our president and for our nation.  It is easy to complain.  It takes no...

The Years Are Passing Too Quickly

I know, I know - I sound like an old man.  Suddenly all of the things I heard the "old people" say years ago are...

Praying the Proverbs

Many years ago someone suggested to me that I make a practice of reading a passage in the book of Proverbs every day.  It is...

My First Sermon and What I am Now Learning From It

On a Thursday night in July of 1989 God made clear to me that He wanted me to be a preacher.  I was 12 years...

When Young People Ask Hard Questions

Questions are opportunities to teach.  God gave explicit instructions to Israel about what to say when your children ask (Deuteronomy 6:20-25).  And ask they will!...

The Rising Death Toll

I enjoy laughter and love life.  I wish that every thought could be a happy one.  But that is not the world in which we...

Your Habits: Routine or Rut?

Just this week as I walked through an airport bookstore I saw yet another volume on the development of habits.  Indeed, every detail of life...

Great Expectations

Charles Dickens' classic novel Great Expectations is on my Kindle.  I must confess that I have read...and stopped reading the story several times through the years....

Ebb and Flow: Dealing with Changing Tides

There are few things as refreshing to me as standing on the shore and watching the ocean waves.  I have always loved it.  In Scripture...

My Hymn for this Year

I love hymns and am grateful to be part of a church that still sings them.  Meditate on the words of songs like Charles Wesley's And...

The Power of Parents

As I sit in my study at home there are two pictures of my parents on the desk in front of me.  One is a...


Silence is a beautiful thing.  Our noisy world seems to clamor for attention more and more.  In a home with little children quiet is often...

A Message Christian Young People Desperately Need

It is my privilege to speak to young people on a regular basis.  I have to admit that they are my favorite group to preach...

A Daily Habit Everyone Should Form

All of my books have my name in them.  They are like members of the family (just ask my wife!).  In part, I put my...

Brief Thoughts on How to Make Prayer More Meaningful

The new year brings with it fresh thoughts about our devotional life.  We all need to give more time and attention to prayer.  To God....

How to Make the Most of the New Year

Another "how to" post?  Not exactly.  There will be no formula.  No equation.  No list.  No step by step instructions.  But there is a truth...

“At the Gate of the New Year”

It is Christmas, 1939, in London, England.  King George VI addresses the British Empire as he does every year at this time.  In his speech...