
wheat, preachers, harvest, gospel

Calling Young Preachers!

If ever there was a time for preachers to preach God's Word, it is now! More people are alive today than ever before. There is a great need for preachers...
Just as a pillar supports a building, so the right doctrine guards the church.

Yes, Doctrine Matters!

Yes, Doctrine Matters! “We have found a new church and it is wonderful! Everyone has a great time, and they don’t talk about doctrine.” I cannot tell you how often...

What Can We Learn From Jonah?

It has been well stated that the word “anger” is one letter short of the word “danger.” However, one does not have to search far to see the emotion of...

A Parable for Preachers

A Parable for Preachers Christ, the Master Teacher, very often used stories to help His disciples see what He was saying. Recently I came across the following story and thought it...

The Growth of a Sermon

A preacher’s sermon should simply be an organized expression of a biblical message. The right kind of preaching will not be rooted in a man’s idea but in God’s Word....

Lessons from the Road: 10 Tips for Itinerant Preachers

Itinerant ministry, like any work, has its unique challenges and its special blessings. There is ample evidence in the New Testament that itinerant ministry has a valid place both in...

An Open Letter from My Friend…

Dear friends, In 2018, Scott Pauley and I hosted the first Rest Conference at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Hickory, NC. Our friend, Shane Lewis, who is now with the Lord,...

Preachers Need Preaching Too!

When my dad was in his 30’s God called him to be a preacher. I have heard him tell the story of seeking counsel from his older brother James who...
The Weekend Pulpit: And This I Pray

Help for Parents and Youth Workers

Each Saturday on "The Weekend Pulpit" we share a full-length Bible message from a recent meeting. Currently we are posting messages that I gave at the Wilds youth camp last...
Preaching, preachers, advice for preachers, young preachers, ministry, sermon

7 Pitfalls in Preaching

Men often fail in their strengths, and too often, those of us who are called and gifted to communicate God's Word fail in that very area. It is not always...
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My Favorite Preacher

Do you have a favorite preacher? I love anyone who preaches the Bible, but there is a preacher who has profoundly affected my life and ministry from the time that...

Dear Pastor – An Open Letter to Faithful Shepherds

Dear Pastor, The last two years have been full of challenges that none of us have ever faced and few of us could have imagined. The physical, emotional, and spiritual...

Messages from Southwide

One week ago we concluded the 2021 Southwide Baptist Fellowship. The Holy Spirit guided us through the meeting and every message from God's Word was used to minister to us....
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

“They Strengthened Their Hands for This Good Work.”

Weariness is a part of life and certainly a reality for those who are intent on working for the Lord. Even Jesus grew weary on His journey (John 4:6). Yet...

Encouragement for Evangelists

This week our dear brother, Evangelist Tom Farrell, will be buried. He was a faithful preacher of Christ and a kind friend to me. I am preaching at the Wilds...

Rest Is More Than A Conference

Rest was built into the creation week for a reason. Have you ever considered that the first day man ever lived on this planet was a day of rest? Adam...

Taking Your Family To The Next Level

When I was a young man in Bible College I remember Pastor Sexton telling us that as we grew we must always work to bring our families along with us....
Advice To A Teenage Preacher

Needed: Heart Preaching

There are all types of preachers and a variety of delivery styles. For years I told young men in homiletics that the important thing was that they become a Bible...
5 Things Every Church Member Can Do For Their Church Today

3 Things Your Pastor Needs Now

Every week I speak with pastors who are trying to keep their local church moving forward in the face of intense opposition. Pastors are called on to feed and lead God's...
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A New Listening Option for Full Length Bible Messages

"The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it" (Psalm 68:11). Technology and media platforms have provided amazing ways of multiplying the preaching and teaching...
What Is An Evangelist? Only Philip is identified as “the evangelist” (Acts 21:8). God used him to illustrate his intent for this office. Here are 7 marks of a true Evangelist. This picture depicts someone doing the work of an evangelist.

What Is An Evangelist?

What Is An Evangelist? “Did you ever imagine that you would be an evangelist?” This question from a pastor recently was a reminder that for the first half of my...
Preaching, preachers, advice for preachers, young preachers, ministry, sermon

3 Things Every Preacher Must Remember

There is something very special and deeply spiritual about the moment when we are called to stand before a group of people - any people! anywhere! - and preach the...

Preachers Need Preaching Too!

It was only after I went into full time evangelism that I began to appreciate how much good preaching I had been privileged to listen to…and how much I still...


Everyone’s favorite verse to quote in recent times has been, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13). While this is...

The Last Few Days and the Days Ahead

My heart is full of the goodness of the Lord to us! Over the last few days it was a privilege to gather with so many pastors and Christian workers...

Light for Dark Days

We all know that this year has been particularly challenging. Clouds of doubt and a fog of uncertainty have come into a world that was already dark with sin. It...
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3 Elements for Effective Preaching

Preaching the Word of God is a grand privilege and great responsibility. For the faithful minister there is a joy and a soberness in standing to deliver the Lord's message....

Our New YouTube Channel!

In recent days we have all been reminded of the positive use of technology and online resources for Christians and churches. They are platforms that can be used for the...
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New Resource For All Christian Workers

One of the great desires that I have is to get helpful resources to those who are laboring faithfully in God’s work. There is no lack of available resources, but...

Our February Itinerary

"As thy days, so shall thy strength be" (Deuteronomy 33:25). These words, given by God to His people, have come to mean more and more to me with the passing...

Preachers Can Have Rebel Hearts Too

Long before I was a preacher I was a sinner. We would like to think that this changes over time, but I am still a sinner! One of God’s great...
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4 Suggestions For Preachers

Augustus Toplady, author of the great hymn “Rock Of Ages,” was twenty-eight years old when he spent an afternoon in London with an older preacher whom he admired greatly. The...
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Our October Itinerary

The words of Christ are as true today as they were nearly 2,000 years ago: “The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of...
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Endings And Beginnings – Our September Schedule

It is amazing how quickly the summer season goes. Our kids are now back in school and hints of fall are in the air. As students return to their classrooms,...
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30 Years Ago Tonight

Thirty years ago tonight I surrendered my life to Christ to preach His Word. Thirty years. A few days later, as a twelve-year-old boy, I stood in a cottage prayer...

A Joyful Report

The last few weeks have been some of the busiest and most blessed we have seen in our evangelistic work. I know this is due to the Lord's grace and...
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Your Invitation To The Preacher’s Rest 2019

Rest is not a dirty word. It is, in fact, essential to all good work. God instituted rest before the fall of man. It is hardwired into creation and indispensable...

Messages In March

Recently we have heard from precious friends who are watching and listening to messages given at recent meetings. Sometimes the churches that we are in livestream their services or archive...
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“Where Did You Get That Sermon?”

Every preacher is different. The same all-wise God who used the unique personalities and gifts of the Bible writers continues to minister through all different types of men. Over time...

Looking Ahead To February

It is a privilege to labor with others for the cause of Christ. The Lord is doing some wonderful things in churches all over this country. I thank God for...

Help For Preachers

Today I have the opportunity to preach to a wonderful group of preachers. My heart is to encourage them. Thank the Lord for faithful ministers! Like their Chief Shepherd they...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Our January 2019 Itinerary

These are days of preparation as we look forward to the year ahead. Thank you for praying for us. We would love to see you at one of these meetings...
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A Helpful Article And A Truth We All Need

Occasionally I enjoy passing along a resource that has been a blessing to me. My friend Dan Cox from New Smyrna Beach, FL has written a thought-provoking article on the...
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Preacher, Are You Growing?

As preachers of God's truth we must always be growing. Certainly we must continue to mature in our understanding of the truth itself, but we must also develop in our...

Three Weeks From Today!

Preacher's are engaged in the greatest work in the world. It is a work that will outlive this world!  1 Timothy 5:17 says, "Let the elders that rule well be...
Preaching the Bible, Bible Preachers, preach, preaching, testimony, pastor, missionary, resources for preachers, Scott Pauley, Evangelist

Dear Preacher, Preach In Faith.

Preach In Faith All of us who have preached for any length of time can testify that some things are different every time we stand to preach. The truth never...
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Praise God For Preachers

Thank the Lord for faithful preachers of God's Word. We need them more than ever and we need more of them! As I travel my appreciation for the Lord's servants...
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A Guest Post And An Exciting Announcement

Pastor Scott Hooks is one of my dearest friends on earth. The work he has been chosen to lead in Hickory, NC is being blessed of the Lord in a wonderful...
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Preachers Are All Different!

No two people are the same, and no two preachers are either. The gifts and callings of God are unique in the life of every one of His servants. It...
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Our April 2018 Itinerary

It is hard to imagine that we are near the end of the first quarter of 2018! Next week we will publish our quarterly family newsletter with several special reports....
Preaching, preachers, advice for preachers, young preachers, ministry, sermon

My Advice To A Young Preacher

My Advice To A Young Preacher Recently a teenage boy wrote to tell me that God had called him to be a preacher. What a joy to see another generation...
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GUEST POST: Preaching 101

Pastor Kenny Kuykendall is being mightily used of the Lord in Lawrenceville, Georgia. It was my privilege to review his newest book on preaching. I know it will be a...

Use A Story!

Everybody loves a good story. Some preachers and teachers are known as story-tellers. This should never be our goal. Our mission is to be truth-tellers. However, learning to tell a...

5 Things I Pray Before I Preach

Several years ago when I served on a church staff a college student came to me at the end of a service with an interesting question. He said, “I hear...
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A Special Update and Our February Itinerary

The first month of 2018 has exceeded our prayers and plans. In the words of the Psalm 118:23, "This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes." So...
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What I Have Learned About Series Preaching

Evangelists are not typically known for series preaching. For many years I thought that sermon series were basically pastoral in nature. More and more I believe that such preaching is...
Listen To The Broadcast

Will You Join Us On the Journey?

Six years ago this month I began writing on our blog. At the time God led me to call it Enjoying the Journey. (You may read more about why I chose...

The 3 Most Important Times in A Revival Meeting

We have just come through one of the busiest seasons of the year for revival meetings. In reality, God chooses the season for revival. It cannot be scheduled or planned....

Special Announcement: New Podcast!

As a twelve year old boy the Lord called me to be a preacher of God's Word. Through the years He has confirmed that call and deepened this conviction in...

Would You Help Us Help Others?

Four months from today I will fly to India. One of my prayers in evangelism was that God would open doors for us to preach the gospel in other countries...

You Have To Read This!

Every week I read things that I think are helpful. Often I recommend these resources to others or quote a particularly helpful statement from an author. Occasionally I read something...

Now That You Are Called

Several weeks ago I published a short post on how to know when you have been called. (You may read the original post here.) It was encouraging to hear from...

“How Do You Know When You Have Been Called?”

When the Lord first began dealing with me about being a preacher I asked my dad, “How do you know when you are called to preach?” He gave what I...
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I Only Have One Message

Dr. Tom Malone used to joke about having five sermons and five hundred titles. My pastor challenged me years ago to work constantly at preparing new Bible messages. That counsel...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

NEW: Our 2017 Summer Schedule!

Preaching at the Go Reach America Campaign On this unofficial beginning of summer our family is ministering in North Carolina. School is out and it is...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

A Deepening Conviction

Every conviction in our hearts should grow out of God's Word. With the passage of time those convictions that are founded in eternal truth only deepen. The Holy Ghost confirms...

Our Itinerary for January 2016

In a few weeks we will launch a new website. We hope that will provide gospel resources as well as encouragement to believers, families, and churches. It will also give us...
Getting More Out of This Sunday's Sermon, listening to a sermon

Getting More Out of This Sunday’s Sermon

Getting More Out of This Sunday's Sermon Over the last few weeks, I have been in numerous meetings where someone was preaching the Bible. The messages were delivered by different...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Why I Believe In Saying, “Amen!”

Amen.  It is usually the last word. It is the last word in the model prayer.  It is the last word of the Bible.  It is found about 30 times...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

An Encouraging Word for Preachers: Preaching out of the Overflow

A fine young man was driving me to the airport in another state recently.  We had a pleasant conversation about many things.  He is soon to be married and has...