Table Talk

As Jesus prepared to die on the cross for our sins, He spoke to His disciples at the Last Supper. Do you know what was on His heart and mind? Join Scott Pauley for this message from Luke 22.

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Which Line Are You In?

Either you are seeking to have the preeminence or you are seeking to lift up the only One who should have the preeminence – Jesus Christ. You never know how God can use you until you follow after that which is good! These messages from 3 John were given at a special men’s conference, not…

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A True Man

A true man is a man of truth. We are in sore need of true men who will stand for God in obedience and faith. Join Scott Pauley for this first of two messages from 3 John. These messages were given at a special men’s conference, not a Sunday church service. We share them, praying…

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Watchman, What of the Night?

We live in an increasingly dark world. The wickedness around us seems to get worse and worse. Join Scott Pauley as we look at the Christians’ responsibility during the night. This message comes from Isaiah 27.

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Have You Joined?

Christ established the church to be much more than a spectator sport. Christ wants churches that are engaged in His eternal work! And guess what? He delights in using the ordinary people! Join Scott Pauley for this first message on “Lesser Known New Testament Christians.” The text is Acts 16.

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Introduction to The Lord Was with Joseph

Whether you are a student, a Bible teacher, a pastor, or simply seeking to learn more about Joseph and his God, this will help you study through the Scriptures and pass along the truths God teaches you to others. Find all our Joseph resources at

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Seeing the Lord In Your Past

We all have a past. The question is whether or not we will see the Lord in it. Joseph had great difficulties and hardship in his past, yet he understood that His mighty God was with him the entire time. Will you see the Lord in your past? Whether you are a student, a Bible…

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A Fresh Glimpse of Jesus

When you see the Lord Jesus for who he is…it changes everything. We are continuing our Study through Revelation 1. Join Scott Pauley for this fourth Bible message.

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Blessed People

In these last days, we are looking for the Lord Jesus. But God wants to bless you while you remain. Do you want more of God’s blessing? Discover the connection between the Book and the Blessing as we join Scott Pauley for this first message from Revelation 1.

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Making Known the Unknown God

Could God have placed you where you are to declare Christ to those around you? The generation all around us is searching for the truth – we must point them to the One who is Truth. Join Scott Pauley for this challenging message from Acts 17.

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An Exemplary Church

There is no perfect church! But there are certain characteristics in churches that please the Lord. Join Scott Pauley as we continue our study through Acts 17.

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Bereans and Their Bible

How do you approach the Word of God? Do you really know it? In Acts 17, we are introduced to a church that took the Word of God seriously. So must we. Join Scott Pauley for this first message from Acts 17.

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Praying the Bible

Much has been written on the subject of prayer, yet so little praying is done. Where are we to start? Start where God starts – the Word of God. Join Scott Pauley as he teaches us how to turn Scripture into prayers. God has so much more for us! Download our Praying the Bible study…

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Reading the Bible

Do you know how to read the Bible? We all know we should spend more time in God’s Word, but where do we begin? Learning how to read and study the Scriptures can seem overwhelming to most people. In this lecture, Scott Pauley explains some practical ways to start reading Scripture without losing sight of…

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Teaching the Bible

The Truth that God is teaching you is not just for you to know and keep to yourself – it is meant to be applied and taught. Be sure to listen to this closing session: “Teaching the Bible.” Download our Teaching the Bible study sheet at

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Studying the Bible

Do you study the Bible? Statistically, the vast majority of Americans never spend time searching the Scriptures. Be sure to follow along as Scott teaches why we MUST study the Bible and how to begin! Grab your Bible and a pen. You may also download our free study sheet that accompanies this lesson here:

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Fruitful Followers

Are you producing fruit in your Christian walk? It is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to be truly fruitful apart from abiding in the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to this third message fro John 15.

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The Friend of Sinners

Are you feeling alone or unloved today? There is good news! Jesus loves you! Be sure to follow along with Scott Pauley for this second message from John 15, “The Friend of Sinners.”

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Through the Word

Have you stopped to consider all that we have in the Word of God? It is God’s gift to us. You cannot be all God wants for you to be apart from the Bible. Join Scott Pauley for this opening message from John 15.

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What Will You Do for the Gospel’s Sake?

How important is the gospel to you? What place does the Lord Jesus hold in your life? Be careful how you answer! As Christians, the good news ought to change every part of our lives. Join Scott Pauley for this challenging message from 1 Corinthians 9.

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The Same Things

We live in a day when many Christians want to do the old things. Some want to try some new thing. But as we look into the Word of God, we find what is needed most – the same things. We must have a renewed commitment to the same truths of God’s Word! Listen to…

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The Evangelist

(Acts 21) Philip’s life was marked by a steadfast commitment to spreading the gospel wherever he went. He exemplifies staying faithful to evangelism at every stage. You may not be Philip, but you can do the work of the evangelist.

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Are you feeling alone or unloved today? There is good news! Jesus loves you! Be sure to follow along with Scott Pauley for this second message from John 15, “The Friend of Sinners.”

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Becoming A Gospel Guide

We are continuing our study of Philip the Evangelist. Philip was a man who simply guided others to the Lord Jesus Christ. He pointed others to the Way of salvation. You can do the same! Listen to this Bible message and learn how to become a gospel guide. (Acts 8:1-8, 26-40)

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The Holy Spirit and Me

Are you working with the Holy Spirit today? In this great gospel work, He is seeking to guide and use all of us! Join us for part 2 of this message series from Acts 8.

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Great Joy In That City

Do you want to see your city transformed? There are so many communities across the world that are hurting and distressed. One thing will bring great joy to your city today – the gospel! We begin a brand new study of the life of Philip the Evangelist. Open your Bible to Acts 8 for this…

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Trusting the Lord for your Future

Why is it that we can trust God for eternity but not for tomorrow? Our God wants to guide all of life; the question is whether or not we will trust Him. Join us for the final message from the life of Joseph!

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Serving the Lord in Your Difficulty

We all experience times of difficulty. There are many reasons for hardship. There are many types of suffering. Yet, no matter what is happening, you can serve the Lord! Joseph served God in his difficulty! Listen to this week’s message from Genesis 39.

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Remembering the Lord in your Temptations

We all face seasons of temptation. The Devil is constantly seeking to destroy God’s young people. We live in a time of rampant immorality and temptation has never been stronger. We look this week at Joseph’s time of temptations as it is found in Genesis 39. Victory is possible for you today!

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Seeing the Lord In Your Past

Are there difficulties in your past that you do not understand? Are there things you wish God had not allowed in your life? The life of Joseph encourages us to move past our past and look to the Lord who is with us! This is the first message in a new series from Genesis 37.…

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Something Has to Change

As we look to the life of Jonah, we find a hardened prophet in need of repentance. So often we allow ourselves to lose the loving heart that God desires for us to have. Something has to change! Listen to the message from Jonah 3 by Evangelist Scott Pauley.

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My Father’s God

This is the second message given from Exodus on Father’s Day. We trust it will bless and encourage you. In this sermon, we learn of the first song in Scripture.

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God of Our Fathers

Listen to this introductory message from Exodus 3. This sermon was given in the Sunday school hour to introduce the theme for the Sunday services. It is directed toward fathers, but it is a truth for all people.

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The Friend of Sinners

Did you know Jesus is a friend of sinners? Sadly there is great confusion over what this means. Listen today to discover this wonderful truth from John 15.

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Friendship to Christ

Consider how wonderful it is to be called the friend of Jesus! But do not forget the obligations that come with it. God calls us to a life of faithful and loving obedience. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this message from John 15.

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Acres of Diamonds

Are you a contented person? God desires for all of us to rest in His ways. You never know what God has in store for you; you must wait on Him to reveal His blessing. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this 1st message from Hebrews 13.

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Sacrifices That Please God

As we continue our study through Hebrews 13, we are reminded that God is not seeking our sacrifices alone, He is seeking our praise and thanksgiving. Our goal in sacrifice must always be to please the Lord with our whole hearts.

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My Father’s Religion

When people hear the word “religion,” many bristle or begin thinking of specific groups. However, what does God have to say about religion? Learn more as we conclude our sermon series our through James 1.

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The Father

Do you know the Father? He could be a distant God; yet, instead, He seeks a relationship with us. God loved us so much that He sent Jesus Christ to make a way for us to become His children. Listen today to learn more about our loving Father. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this message…

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Staying Right With God

We all struggle with our flesh. So often we find ourselves falling in the same snares of sin and darkness. How can we stay pure? Is victory even possible? Listen to this message from James 1 to find God’s provision for our weakness.

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3 Things to Do with God’s Word

The Bible is not just a book. The Bible is the very Word of God. It is powerful! Through God’s Word, we can find all the wisdom and strength we need for the Christian life. Join us for part two of this message series through James 1.

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Get Your Head Up!

So often, God’s children walk through life with their heads down. The Lord did not intend for us to live defeated lives. God Almighty can lift up your head to see His Divine purpose for you! Listen to this message from Psalm 3.

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3 Things That Should Give Us Pause

Psalm 3 is loaded with the Truth of God! Sometimes we can rush past things we ought to stop and ponder on. God gives us the word “Selah” as a reminder to stop and think on certain truths. We trust this message will encourage you today.

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At Evening Time It Shall Be Light

As we conclude our study in Zechariah, we find that God will make there to be light in the evening time. We cannot see through the darkness, but our wonderful Master can – let us trust Him today!

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Getting Ready for God

God is always working and moving in and among His people. He desires to do a great work in your life. Are you ready? How can you become ready? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this opening message from the Book of Zechariah.

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A Brand Plucked out of the Fire

Be sure to join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this week’s Bible message. This is the second message in a study through a lesser known passage of Scripture (Zechariah). We trust it will be a blessing and challenge to you.

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When Joshua Met Jesus

There are many powerful truths contained in the Book of Zechariah; unfortunately, few have taken the time to learn them. This week we examine the amazing encounter between Joshua the High Priest and the Lord Jesus found in Zechariah 3.

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No matter what you are facing today, Christ is greater! If you are looking to a man, look to He who is greater!. No matter what is changing in your life, Christ is greater, and He never changes. Listen to this message by Evangelist Scott Pauley from Matthew 12.

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The Fellowship of the Gospel

God has given His people the responsibility to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. But did you know that you are not alone? The Lord Jesus is laboring with us! So, what will you do with the gospel today? This is the third message from Philippians 1.

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The First Day of the Gospel

There is nothing more important than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every single person has a responsibility to the Gospel of Jesus! Have you received the gospel? Are you fulfilling your duty to share it? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for the first message on the “Joy of the Gospel” as we look at the book…

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The Furtherance of the Gospel

Would you like to see more people coming to Christ? Do you long to see the gospel go further through your life? God’s Word has the answer! Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this second message from Philippians 1.

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Here and Heaven

When you stand before the Lord one day (and everyone will), will you come empty-handed? Are you seeking to take others to Heaven, or are you wasting the opportunities God is giving you to share the hope of salvation with those around you? Join Scott Pauley for this concluding message from Matthew 5.

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Purity and Peace

Be sure to join us as we walk through the Beattitudes from Matthew 5. As you watch this message, examine your own heart. Do you live in a way that reflects the Lord Jesus? Join Scott Pauley for this fourth Bible message.

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In The Lord’s School

Matthew 5 is one of the most familiar passages in the entire Bible. Yet, the Lord Jesus is seeking to teach us some marvelous truths in His school. Christ instructs His followers how to be “Blessed People In a Cursed World.” Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as He brings the first of five messages from this…

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The Blessing of Poverty

We are continuing our series through the Beatitudes (Matthew 5). Here, we discover the wonderful lessons the Lord seeks to teach through poverty. We must all learn to come in our poverty to the Lord Jesus. As we come to Him, we find that He is more than enough!

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Going Through with God

Many people enjoy the blessing of God. However, when difficult comes, many will forsake the path God has for them. Today we see that if we follow God’s way we will discover everything the Lord has for us. Join Scott Pauley for the third message from Matthew 5, “Going Through with God.”

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The Influence of the Inner Circle

We live in a world consumed by “influencers.” Unfortunately, many do not understand the influence they can have through the Lord Jesus. Determine to draw close to Christ today, and see how He will use you to influence others for His glory! Join Scott Pauley and we study through Acts 1.

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The Instruction of the Inner Circle

All you need to live in the power of God is available to you! Do you need courage, boldness, wisdom, or love? Well to have them you must seek Christ in the secret place. Join us for this 4th message from on Christ’s Inner Circle as we study through Mark 14.

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Which Disciple Are You?

While all of the the Apostles saw Christ do miraculous things, there is no doubt that Jesus had His inner circle of disciples. These few men were privileged to experience more of Christ than anyone else. Join Scott Pauley for this first message on Jesus’ inner circle from Mark 3.

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The Invitation of the Inner Circle

Christ doesn’t simply want the most gifted, intelligent, or likely people to be His disciples. He will shape you into what He needs you to be; Jesus simply asks you to follow Him with full surrender. Join us for this the third message in about the Inner Circle of Christ from Mark 9.

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An Eternity of Victory

Do you want to experience eternal rewards? Well the Lord has made a way through his eternal victory. Join us for this final message from Deuteronomy 33.

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A Lifetime of Blessing

God has designed the Christian life to be lived moment by moment. We cannot simply follow God for tomorrow, we must first obey Him today! This obedience is what will bring the true and lasting blessing of God. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this message from Deuteronomy 33.

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The Day of Atonement

What do you know about God from the Book of Leviticus? Is there anything in it that applies to believers today? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley to see a vivid portrait of Christ in Leviticus 16.

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Secret Disciples

Christians today have perfected the art of “being a Christian” in the church house; yet, when we walk out of the church building, far too often we try to conform to the culture around us instead of Christ within us. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as He brings this message from John 19.

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The Ministry of Reconciliation

We thought this message from 2 Corinthians 5 would be an encouragement and challenge to many friends. Our work, our labor, our toil – all of it is for the gospel’s sake! This is the great work of God. The Ministry of Reconciliation.

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The Power of the Holy Ghost

Today’s Church is far removed from what God intended. In many cases, the problem is a lack of dependence upon the Holy Spirit. The same Spirit of God that enabled the Apostle Paul to see whole regions reached with the gospel is still available to us! Join Scott Pauley as we look at Romans 15.

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Our Eternal Home

So much time and energy is spent spent on the things of this life. While it is true that we must work and live, God wants us to remember that this is not our final destination. Every should alive is bond for an eternity somewhere; where is that place for you? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley…

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The 1,007 Year Honeymoon

Join us for the third message in this series about the Wedding Days. Today we look at Revelation 19. Here we find some key truths on salvation and preparing for our Groom’s return.

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The Bride Is Getting Ready!

The Lord Jesus Christ is coming again! He is coming to meet His Bride. Will you be ready? Every Bride takes great care to prepare herself to meet the groom. Revelation 19 reveals the various stages of Christ’ Bride preparation for His return. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for the first of four messages from this…

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Do I Truly Love the Lord?

Do you really love Jesus? This is not to ask, do you say you love Him. But with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, do you love Him. He loves you! As a believer, He has forgiven you; when is the last time you told God you loved Him? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for…

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