Devotional Blog

On every trip, decisions are made. Along the road of life, we inevitably face intersections and decisions about which way to go. It is at those moments that we must live by faith, asking God for wisdom and believing that He will never lead in the wrong direction. It is our hope that each article on the blog will encourage you to keep enjoying the journey…and look for Jesus along the way.

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Here are 7 Ingredients for Fruitful Bible Study. This is not a formula. Divine revelation cannot be reduced to man’s equations.

7 Ingredients for Fruitful Bible Study

7 Ingredients for Fruitful Bible Study Bible sales have soared in recent days. Though the Bible has historically led book sales worldwide, there is a renewed interest in our generation. People are looking for answers. Surely there has to be more. Indeed, there is! Men and movements, religions and rulers have come and gone, but…


Partnering with Pastors

Partnering with Pastors Evangelists and Pastors have different assignments but they are in the same ministry. Ephesians 4 says that God gave “some, evangelists; and...
Journey through Romans; its 16 chapters comprise the deepest, clearest, and most rigorous teaching on the doctrine of salvation, Journey Through Romans, Overview of Romans, Journey through Romans.

Journey Through Romans

Summary of Romans:Coleridge called it "the most profound book in existence." Agoday called it "the Cathedral of the Christian Faith." Martin Luther called it "the...
Keep the Windows open!

Keep Your Windows Open!

“Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he...
To have the Right View of Scripture, we must recognize that the Bible was not written to reveal things, it was written to reveal God. The Bible is God's revelation of Himself. It was not written to reveal things, it was written to reveal God.

The Right View of Scripture

In John Bunyan's classic book, Pilgrim's Progress, Christian was on a journey to that Celestial City. As believers, we're all on a journey with the...
The right question is: What does the Bible say? When this is our starting point we are on the right path. Because the Bible is the Word of God.

What Does the Bible Say?

What Does the Bible Say? It is impossible to get the right answer when you are asking the wrong question! Our world is full of...
Jezreel in the Bible. View of the Jezreel Valley from the site of the ancient city of Jezreel. Photo by John Buckner

Jezreel in the Bible

Jezreel in the Bible “And it came to pass after these things, that Naboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard, which was in Jezreel, hard by...
Below we have compiled 52 of the great prayer passages in Scripture. While not exhaustive, we pray that this list will serve as a guide.

52 Prayer Verses

52 Verses On Prayer from ScriptureThe greatest prayers begin in the Word of God. It is the Divine prayer Book. Much has been written on...
Lauren Pauley

A Daughter, A Sister, A Helper

Lauren Pauley There is a double blessing when your children come to know Christ - they become family twice! A son becomes a brother, and...
Navigating Grief, Psalm 31, loss of a loved one, how to trust God in grief

Navigating Grief

Navigating Grief The empty chair, the favorite song, or the old pictures trigger a deep sorrow for those who are no longer with us. In...
While we may or may not be living in the last days, “for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh” (Matthew 25:13)

“Living in the Last Days” by Bob Sanders

Living in the Last Days  “Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there...
Journey through Matthew, Written to the Jewish mind, Matthew is the transitional book between the Old and New Testament. Study Matthew and discover the King!

Journey Through Matthew

Overview: Matthew, the first Gospel Record, serves as an appropriate transition from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant. Matthew makes plain that the Jehovah...
Normal Days, The Normal Days, A Normal Day

A Normal Day

Men are famous for their extraordinary days, but they are forged on their ordinary days. We revel in the accomplishments and bemoan the failures of...
Moody’s passion for the gospel is deeply in the heart of my friend, Bob Crichton, and I know he will be a tremendous help in advancing that cause at this time.

“Friends and Mentors”

Bob and Betty Crichton The Lord brings people into your life at just the right time and for many reasons. At certain junctures on the...
The ruins at Bethel are located in a field outside of the village of Beitin. Nearby is a nice subdivision and some farms, but the site itself is neglected and vandalized. In the early 2000s a Japanese initiative tried to develop the site for tourists, but the attempt was abandoned. Photo by John Buckner


Bethel “And God said unto Jacob, Arise, go up to Bethel, and dwell there: and make there an altar unto God, that appeared unto thee...

“A Spiritual Father”

Roger and Marcia PauleyIt was Dr. Frank Sells who first used the term “spiritual father” in my hearing. I was a young student when I...
chase Whitten, a fellow traveler

“A Fellow Traveler”

Chase and Joy Whitten Some people have a God-given restlessness. They are not discontent, they are hungry for more. It is this type of restlessness...
The Book of Acts is a sequel to the Gospel of Luke. It is the book of Christ continuing His work in this world. Begin your journey through Acts.

Journey Through Acts

Journey Through Acts Overview: Some people have called it, the Fifth Gospel. It is called in our New Testament, the Book of Acts. Most think...

“Do You Need Any Help?”

Kimberly Wesdyk We were only a couple of years into evangelism and I was overwhelmed with the pace of it all. In fact, I was...