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“Friends and Mentors”
Bob and Betty Crichton The Lord brings people into your life at just the right time and for many reasons. At certain junctures on the journey, He allows individuals to cross your path to help you find direction. Several years ago when I was serving at the Temple Baptist Church and Crown College, God providentially…
ETJ Beginning Its 5th Year!
As I sit alone in my study recording daily broadcasts I am always conscious that people I will never see will listen to them. We...
Days, Years, and Our 2022 Schedule
Welcome to 2022! Moses wrote that "we spend our years as a tale that is told" and today we have begun another chapter in that...
Takeoff and Landing
Air travel has become more than a luxury for our mobile society. It has, for many, become a necessity to business and commerce. Like the...
Selah | Hitting the Pause Button
Selah | Hitting the Pause Button There are moments when we all need to hit the pause button. Life races on and, if we are...
An Important Christmas Message
Jesus came. He came to earth. He came to sinful humanity. He came to a people that would reject Him. He came to seek and...
My Besetting Sin
Do you know your besetting sin? Mine is not yours and yours is not mine, but we all have them. You know the one...the thing...
The Real Issue
It is fitting that at the time of year when we celebrate the birth of Christ there is a renewed discussion on the sacredness and...
Dear Pastor – An Open Letter to Faithful Shepherds
Dear Pastor, The last two years have been full of challenges that none of us have ever faced and few of us could have imagined....
How to Conquer Fear
Fear is real and it is paralyzing. A world in flux has produced a world filled with fear. Frequently I hear someone quote 2 Timothy...
Countdown to Christmas
Can you imagine the days leading up to the birth of Christ? No family has ever had thoughts, emotions, and Christmas preparation like that first...
My First Sermon
Just a few days after my 13th birthday, I preached the first sermon I ever gave behind a pulpit. On that Sunday afternoon, in August,...