Devotional Blog

On every trip, decisions are made. Along the road of life, we inevitably face intersections and decisions about which way to go. It is at those moments that we must live by faith, asking God for wisdom and believing that He will never lead in the wrong direction. It is our hope that each article on the blog will encourage you to keep enjoying the journey…and look for Jesus along the way.

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Moody’s passion for the gospel is deeply in the heart of my friend, Bob Crichton, and I know he will be a tremendous help in advancing that cause at this time.

“Friends and Mentors”

Bob and Betty Crichton The Lord brings people into your life at just the right time and for many reasons. At certain junctures on the journey, He allows individuals to cross your path to help you find direction. Several years ago when I was serving at the Temple Baptist Church and Crown College, God providentially…


Preachers Need Preaching Too!

It was only after I went into full time evangelism that I began to appreciate how much good preaching I had been privileged to listen...

7 Rules for Getting More Done

I am happy that in the early years of my life and ministry I was put in a position where there was more to get...

What We Really Need

We are one month into the new year! How are your resolutions holding up? I am not a critic of resolutions; they have very often...

God’s Word and Work – A Look Ahead

Every year that I can remember my dad has conducted a special meeting at the beginning of the year for those who labor in our...

The Next Leg of the Race

Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Each phase of the race is both distinct and essential to the whole. We have begun, in many...

4 Stages In A Prayer Meeting

Recently I saw where a prominent Christian leader suggested that perhaps this would be a good time for churches to begin having prayer meetings again....

What Does GOD Think of Abortion?

Yesterday was the 48th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. In less than a half a century over 61 million babies have been put to death...

The Scariest Job In the World

Every job has its drawbacks and even its dangers. But, what is the scariest job in the world? It is a job that many of...

Thoughts for Christian Citizens

All Christians have a dual citizenship. We are temporary, earthly citizens of the nation where God has providentially allowed us to live and we are...

Lessons Learned On A Walk Through the Woods

Henry Drummond who wrote the classic work on 1 Corinthians 13, The Greatest Thing In The World, was a naturalist. He believed that every spiritual...

Revelation: The King Is Coming!

What are you expecting to happen next in our world? Every day brings new challenges and changing circumstances. I cannot tell you what the government...

A Way To Escape

One of Satan's lies is that the besetting sin in your life (you know the one) will always defeat you. "That's just the way you...

One Revival Challenge & Two Pieces of News

These are exciting times to be serving Jesus. Yes, I know our nation is in a mess - but the Lord loves to step into...

Enjoying the Journey Now On YouTube

Everyone has their favorite media platform to stream content - there are certainly plenty to choose from! Our daily broadcast is heard on a number...

“Just Use My Name.”

In times of need it is wonderful to know someone who has abundant resources. A friend may send you to another with the instructions: "Just...

January Meetings & A Word About Our Website

Tomorrow we begin the first meetings of a brand new year. We are grateful to God for allowing us to give the last five years...

3 Things To Remember At The End of This Year

The end of the year is often a reflective time. Dr. Frank Sells, one of my favorite Bible teachers, used to warn us of becoming...

The Star Still Shines

Did you see the star? Over the last few days there has been a great deal of talk about the rare convergence of Saturn and...