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“Friends and Mentors”
Bob and Betty Crichton The Lord brings people into your life at just the right time and for many reasons. At certain junctures on the journey, He allows individuals to cross your path to help you find direction. Several years ago when I was serving at the Temple Baptist Church and Crown College, God providentially…
Thank God For Christian Education
The last two days I have been speaking in Michigan at a wonderful Christian Educator's Convention. It has been a privilege to spend time with...
“God’s Gentlemen”
Sometimes as you read a book God will cause a couple of words to capture you. That happened to me recently. Two words seemed to...
Longevity In The Pastorate by Pastor James Pauley
One of my spiritual fathers is my uncle, James Pauley. He has faithfully pastored the same church for nearly half a century. He is a...
Cliques & Fraternities In The Church
One of the great stumbling blocks to the gospel and road blocks to revival is the party spirit that exists among many of God's people....
Our October 2018 Itinerary
October is a busy month for special meetings in local churches. I hope you will be actively engaged in any special meetings in your own...
Armed For Battle
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution states the right of American citizens "to keep and bear arms." In 1791 our forefathers saw the...
Are You Seeking God’s Direction For Some Decision?
At every stage on the journey we face crossroads - choices that will have long-lasting effects on both ourselves and others. Direction determines destination. There...
New Gospel Tract Now Available!
Several people have asked in recent weeks if I am working toward publishing any books. The answer is yes and the key word is "working"!...
The God Of The Thunder
You would have laughed at me. In fact, I laughed at myself. I was sitting on our front porch studying what the Bible has to...
What I Do When I Don’t Feel Like Praying
People imagine that preachers jump out of bed every day with a strong urge to pray. Nothing could be further from the truth! We all...
Preacher, Are You Growing?
As preachers of God's truth we must always be growing. Certainly we must continue to mature in our understanding of the truth itself, but we...
A Brief Report On The Preacher’s Rest
Many of you have prayed for us this week as we conducted The Preacher's Rest in Hickory, NC. The Tabernacle Baptist Church family worked hard...
Finish Strong by Kurt Copeland
Kurt Copeland has been a faithful youth pastor at the Franklin Road Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee for many years. God has used he and...
A Thought On This Labor Day
Men must learn to work. They must also learn to rest. The first mention of rest in Scripture is found in Genesis 2 where it...