Devotional Blog

On every trip, decisions are made. Along the road of life, we inevitably face intersections and decisions about which way to go. It is at those moments that we must live by faith, asking God for wisdom and believing that He will never lead in the wrong direction. It is our hope that each article on the blog will encourage you to keep enjoying the journey…and look for Jesus along the way.

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Moody’s passion for the gospel is deeply in the heart of my friend, Bob Crichton, and I know he will be a tremendous help in advancing that cause at this time.

“Friends and Mentors”

Bob and Betty Crichton The Lord brings people into your life at just the right time and for many reasons. At certain junctures on the journey, He allows individuals to cross your path to help you find direction. Several years ago when I was serving at the Temple Baptist Church and Crown College, God providentially…

An Encouraging Word for Preachers: Preaching out of the Overflow

A fine young man was driving me to the airport in another state recently.  We had a pleasant conversation about many things.  He is soon...

Top of the List: Why Was Jesus Thankful?

Like most of you, I try to make a list each Thanksgiving of reasons for which I am grateful to God.  Obviously, it is never...

A Bible Lesson from an Eight Year Old

Road trips are fun.  At least if you make them that way!  This week I drove several hours to speak in a youth rally.  Often...

Family Devotions and Spiritual Awakenings

"I will get married in a few months.  What advice do you have for me?"  Working with hundreds of college students these are words I...

Victory Over Temptation

Victory Over Temptation We all want to live in victory over sin. The key to victory over sin is learning victory over temptation. "Resist small...

What I Learned at the Dead Sea

My dad and I had the privilege to be part of training several Iraqi pastors a number of years ago.  For over a week we...

Why I Believe in Local Church Youth Ministry

Why I Believe in Local Church Youth Ministry For the last twenty years I have had the joy to be involved in youth ministry in...

For Married Couples: Dealing with Difficult Days

Marriage is fun.  But not all the time.  Newlyweds rarely think of this when they say, "for better or for worse." Every young couple need...

An Interesting Woman and a Sermon I Needed to Hear

Through the years I have met many interesting people on airplanes.  Everyone has a story and a simple conversation with a stranger can be memorable. ...

How to Speak “A Good Word”

Someone once said in my presence, "Be kind to others.  Everybody is having a hard time."They were right.We all have our struggles and you may...

One of Life’s Greatest Questions: Where Is God?

Life is full of questions.  One of the first questions children ask about God is a question that continues into theological discussions of people of...

Reflections on our World Mission Conference

We have a lot of conferences and special meetings at Temple Baptist Church and Crown College.  Without a doubt, the meeting we have just concluded...

I Am Praying for You!

Some of the most beautiful words I ever hear are: "I am praying for you."  (Especially if I know they are more than just words!)...

Dealing with the “Noise” of Life

Ours is a noisy world. Growing up in the country there were certain noises you grew accustomed to. Crickets chirping at night. Birds singing in...
The Greatest Method of Bible Study

The Greatest Method of Bible Study

The Greatest Method of Bible Study "I have been reading the Bible but I don't know how to study it. Can you help?" We have...

What About Eternity?

A friend and I were enjoying a time of fellowship together just a few days ago.  During the conversation I asked about a man who...

A Word for Young People About Parents

Like most children, when I was very young, I memorized the Ten Commandments.  The fifth commandment says, “Honour thy father and thy mother.”  It is...

Acres of Diamonds

When I was thirteen years old an elderly preacher in the mountains of West Virginia gave me a book.  It was old and dusty.  There...