Devotional Blog

On every trip, decisions are made. Along the road of life, we inevitably face intersections and decisions about which way to go. It is at those moments that we must live by faith, asking God for wisdom and believing that He will never lead in the wrong direction. It is our hope that each article on the blog will encourage you to keep enjoying the journey…and look for Jesus along the way.

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Here are 7 Ingredients for Fruitful Bible Study. This is not a formula. Divine revelation cannot be reduced to man’s equations.

7 Ingredients for Fruitful Bible Study

7 Ingredients for Fruitful Bible Study Bible sales have soared in recent days. Though the Bible has historically led book sales worldwide, there is a renewed interest in our generation. People are looking for answers. Surely there has to be more. Indeed, there is! Men and movements, religions and rulers have come and gone, but…

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Going Back On Your Upbringing by Dr. Charles Keen

Lamentations 4:5 says, "...they that were brought up in scarlet embrace dunghills." This describes the extremes one person can go to in life - from...
What Is An Evangelist?

What Is An Evangelist?

What Is An Evangelist? “Did you ever imagine that you would be an evangelist?” This question from a pastor recently was a reminder that for...

Progressives and Pragmatists

The progressive Christianity of our day is nothing new. Those who have studied history will recognize it as a resurgence of theological liberalism. Solomon was...

My Favorite Revival Hymn

Certain songs have become old standards in most revival meetings. The one I hear sung more than any other is the great hymn "Revive Us...

The Worst Thing Job Lost & the One Thing We All Must Find

“There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job…” So begins the story of a man who knew more about suffering...

A Tool for Bible Study, Prayer, and Teaching

Solomon said, "Of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh" (Ecclesiastes 12:12). This is the life...

He Only Lived to 33.

Life is a vapor for every man, but for the God-Man it was especially brief. A short thirty-three and a half years was all that...
The Authority of the Bible

Do You Really Believe In The Authority of the Bible?

Do You Really Believe In The Authority of the Bible? Few want to talk about it today and even fewer understand it. Yet all of...

Would You Give Me Six Minutes of Your Time?

Everyone is busy and there are so many things vying for our attention. It is impossible to keep up with it all! Today I would...

The Leader’s Most Sacred Work

The study of leadership is one that is as conflicted as it is popular. There is often more discussion and debate about leadership than there...

His Resurrection – Our Response & Responsibility

Early Sunday morning I sat in a quiet place and reread the resurrection account in each of the four gospel records. It is amazing how...

Why the Resurrection Gives Me Hope for Revival

The message of the resurrection is not just to be preached to the lost; it is a truth to be repeated, remembered, and reflected on...

April Showers

The famous line of a poem that dates back to 1610 says, "April showers bring May flowers." Tomorrow we begin the month of April. While...


Such a beautiful word: truth. Its substance is much the same as its sound - simple and straightforward. There seems to be a short supply...
Scrolling through social media can very easily become a “mindless” habit. Learn to pray your way through social media.

Pray Your Way Through Social Media!

Pray Your Way Through Social Media! All of life is better when we pray our way through it. Prayer is the means by which we...

How To Learn To Pray

We are all students when it comes to prayer. Andrew Murray wrote a classic book called With Christ In The School of Prayer. I must...

Victims or Victors?

It seems so many want to be the “victim” today. To be sure, there are wounded souls who have been victims of horrible abuse and...
Preaching, preachers, advice for preachers, young preachers, ministry, sermon

3 Things Every Preacher Must Remember

There is something very special and deeply spiritual about the moment when we are called to stand before a group of people - any people!...