Devotional Blog

On every trip, decisions are made. Along the road of life, we inevitably face intersections and decisions about which way to go. It is at those moments that we must live by faith, asking God for wisdom and believing that He will never lead in the wrong direction. It is our hope that each article on the blog will encourage you to keep enjoying the journey…and look for Jesus along the way.

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Here are 7 Ingredients for Fruitful Bible Study. This is not a formula. Divine revelation cannot be reduced to man’s equations.

7 Ingredients for Fruitful Bible Study

7 Ingredients for Fruitful Bible Study Bible sales have soared in recent days. Though the Bible has historically led book sales worldwide, there is a renewed interest in our generation. People are looking for answers. Surely there has to be more. Indeed, there is! Men and movements, religions and rulers have come and gone, but…


5 Books To Read On Witnessing

Every believer is to be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 24:48; Acts 1:8). In fact, every Christian is a witness - we...

The Perfect Father

All of us who are called "dad" know that, while we want the best for our children, we do not always choose the best ourselves....

You Can Learn a Lot About Life In a Garden

  Grant decided he was going to plant a garden this year. His very own. He wanted to work it from scratch and use no...

5 Books To Read On Living A Victorious Christian Life

The goal of reading and studying should not be knowing, it is should be living. Many people have a head full of facts but a...

Would You Join Me This Morning?

This has been an exciting week with the release of Revival Praying on Monday. We have been encouraged by the initial reception to the book...
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3 Elements for Effective Preaching

Preaching the Word of God is a grand privilege and great responsibility. For the faithful minister there is a joy and a soberness in standing...
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5 Books To Help With Your Personal Devotions

There is a delicate balance in the daily devotional life: we want to keep both discipline and freshness in our time with God. Very easily...

Today Is The Day!

I am not discouraged. Yes, I have watched the news in recent days and have been saddened by the state of affairs in our nation....

Reigniting The Pioneer Spirit

Churches are beginning to open back up. Pastors are trying to find some rhythm again. It will take some time to get everyone back and...
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5 Books To Read On Great Christians

Every Christian should read biography. Through the years God has used the story of believers in history to both instruct and inspire me. First, let...

An Announcement I Am Excited To Share

America is in desperate need of revival. Our nation needs the healing that only God's holy presence can bring. But great awakenings never begin as...

4 Things You Can Do To Help Your Pastor At This Time

These are unusual days for everyone and unique days to serve in a church. Over the last few weeks I have spent a great deal...
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Our June Itinerary & A Special Announcement

"Truly God is is good for me to draw near to God" (Ps. 73:1, 28). In these unusual days I am reminded that God...

5 Books Every Man Should Read

Everywhere we look, we see reminders of our  desperate need for godly men to set the pace for another generation coming along behind them. Personally,...

3 Lists You Should Make Today

We live by lists! Grocery lists, to do lists, lists to keep up with our lists. At this particular time in our world people are...
We must get beyond Bible reading to personal application. Stop just reading the Bible

Stop (Just) Reading the Bible!

Yes, that's what I said. Stop it. Stop reading the Bible. It is not that the Bible should not be read, rather, it is that...

5 Books To Read On Preaching

It is a great privilege to stand and preach God's Word to others. In fact, it is a high and holy calling that should never...

An Update On This Year’s God Bless America Rally

As many of you know we have been praying and working for some time toward a regional God Bless America Rally in our "Jerusalem" of...