4 Things To “Be” If You Want To Be Used By God
“Pastor, I hope God will use my life as He is using yours.” Those were the words I spoke to my pastor as we rode in a car together one...
A Testimony from Pakistan
We deeply appreciate people praying and asking God for souls to be saved during this gospel mission to Pakistan. My heart was stirred, challenged, and grieved to see a country...
“Thank You For Your Service”
One of the blessings of the last few years has been the privilege of flying out of a small regional airport in our hometown. It is only about 20 minutes...
Christians You Should Know: Richard Wurmbrand
“For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” –...
Christians You Should Know: John Wesley
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life...
Don’t Lose the Essentials by Dr. Charles Keen
Dr. Charles Keen has served as a faithful pastor, Bible teacher, author, Bible publisher, and missionary statesman. We are happy to call him a friend. This good man has been...
Being the Right Choice by Bob Sanders
Evangelist Bob Sanders is a true servant of the Lord. He has a heart for the Lord's work and continues to encourage our ministry. We are happy to call him...
Four Motivations for Obedience by Dr. Charles Keen
Dr. Charles Keen has served as a faithful pastor, Bible teacher, author, Bible publisher, and missionary statesman. We are happy to call him a friend. This good man has been...
The Growth of a Sermon
A preacher’s sermon should simply be an organized expression of a biblical message. The right kind of preaching will not be rooted in a man’s idea but in God’s Word....
Christians You Should Know: Amy Carmichael
“For with God nothing shall be impossible.” – Luke 1:37 A Snapshot of the Life of Amy Carmichael: Born: Dec. 16, 1867 - Millisle, Northern Ireland Died: Jan. 18, 1951 - Dohnavur,...
7 Reminders for Ministry Workers
Do you remember why you first got into the Lord's work? In the early days of our Christian service there was a beautiful humility and sincerity about serving Christ. It...
Christians You Should Know: Charles Spurgeon
"For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth." - 2 Corinthians 13:8 A Snapshot of the Life of Charles Spurgeon: Born: June 19, 1834, in Kelvedon,...
Christians You Should Know: Jim Elliot
"A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps." - Proverbs 16:9 A Snapshot of the Life of Jim Elliot: Born: Oct. 8, 1927, in Portland, Oregon Died: Jan....
Christians You Should Know: Hudson Taylor
"And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God." - Mark 11:22 A Snapshot of the Life of Hudson Taylor: Born: May 21, 1832, in Barnsley; England Died: June 3,...
Hymn History: Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
"Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong." - 1 Peter 1:18-19 We are thrilled to share a series of brief accounts of how some of the...
Hymn History: I’d Rather Have Jesus
“By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to...
Everyone’s favorite verse to quote in recent times has been, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13). While this is...
Regathering the Flock
Sometimes God scatters His people. This is seen in the early church when believers were scattered because of persecution (Acts 8:4). But there is a huge difference between the scattering...
5 Books To Read To Help Young People
Much of my ministry has been connected to young people. It was my privilege to serve for many years as a church youth director. I enjoyed teaching youth ministry at...
Update on the Rest Conference
Many of you have asked in recent days about this year's Rest Conference. Pastor Scott Hooks and I, along with our wives, love hosting this meeting each September. It is...
5 Books To Read On Church Ministry
In a previous post I shared some recommended reading on preaching, but all of us who have been in the Lord's work for any period of time know that there...
Reigniting The Pioneer Spirit
Churches are beginning to open back up. Pastors are trying to find some rhythm again. It will take some time to get everyone back and schedules fully normal, but it...
4 Things You Can Do To Help Your Pastor At This Time
These are unusual days for everyone and unique days to serve in a church. Over the last few weeks I have spent a great deal of time talking and praying...
5 Books To Read On Preaching
It is a great privilege to stand and preach God's Word to others. In fact, it is a high and holy calling that should never be taken for granted! Preachers...
5 Ideas For Teens @ This Time
If you are a teenager I am quite sure that your social life has been disrupted and your school year has been less than you imagined. (Or perhaps, better than...
Do What You Can Where You Are
We have become a nation of "shut-ins" in many ways. (This should make us more compassionate and caring of those who truly are shut-in and unable to ever leave their...
Thank God For The Shepherds!
In crisis hours we are all reminded of what is most important in life, and who truly watches for our souls. We are all living through a season that reminds...
New Resource For All Christian Workers
One of the great desires that I have is to get helpful resources to those who are laboring faithfully in God’s work. There is no lack of available resources, but...
5 Things Every Church Member Can Do For Their Church Today
I rarely post on the Lord’s day, but this Sunday is an unusual day for many churches and church members. Social media has been filled this week with updates, instructions,...
Stop Blaming The Pastor
We all want someone to blame. When things go wrong in life - and they inevitably do - it is human nature to point the finger at someone else who...
Preachers Can Have Rebel Hearts Too
Long before I was a preacher I was a sinner. We would like to think that this changes over time, but I am still a sinner! One of God’s great...
The Greatest Challenge I Have
A few days ago, it was my great joy to untangle the many strands of Christmas lights that somehow magically weave themselves into ridiculous knots during the off season. Why...
For Those Who Love Children
"Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world." The greatest way to impact the future of a nation is to reach another generation of children. More than...
4 Suggestions For Preachers
Augustus Toplady, author of the great hymn “Rock Of Ages,” was twenty-eight years old when he spent an afternoon in London with an older preacher whom he admired greatly. The...
In Honor Of Pastors
This month has been designated as "Pastor Appreciation Month" in many places. I am grateful to God for the faithful pastors who have influenced me. The Lord has used them...
Why I Am Doing What I Am Doing
Frequently I am asked if I plan to continue in evangelism, if I want to pastor, or if I miss what I did in the past. They are good questions...
Pray For A Preacher
Tammy and I are spending the day with a great group of preachers and their wives at The Preacher's Rest. I thank the Lord for calling me to be a...
Attn: Preacher’s & Preacher’s Wives!
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9). Weariness is common among workers. You cannot always...
30 Years Ago Tonight
Thirty years ago tonight I surrendered my life to Christ to preach His Word. Thirty years. A few days later, as a twelve-year-old boy, I stood in a cottage prayer...
An Invitation To Preachers & Their Wives
Tammy and I are very grateful for those who have ministered to us through the years. Ministers need ministered to as well! There are moments that the best thing you...
A New Generation Of Deacons
A few days ago I had the joy of speaking in a local church to a group of deacons and their wives. It was a wonderful meeting of true servants....
7 Things That Are More Important
As we grow older (and hopefully wiser!) we begin to discern more about what is most important, what is more important, what is less important, and what is not important...
Don’t Just Serve The Lord!
When the Queen of Sheba came to visit King Solomon it was not just his riches and wisdom that she observed with amazement. It was his servants. She noted, "Happy...
Are You Still Running?
The other day a friend I had not talked to for some time asked if I was still running. Yes, my times have not been quite as good as I...
Questions You Can’t Answer
Why did Jesus wait until He was 30 years of age to begin His ministry when He was so full of wisdom at the age of 12? Why did the...
My Wife’s Ministry
Our First Valentine’s Day, 1995 My favorite traveling companion is the one that God is allowing me to make this journey through life with. Every place is better with her....
Loving What You Do
“Do you enjoy what you are doing?” I hear this question often. The answer for me is...absolutely! While there are challenges in every work, there is nothing as fulfilling as...
Responding To The Critic
Dr. Mike Edwards served for 37 years as the pastor of the Heritage Baptist Church in Woodbridge, VA. He is a man of wisdom and a great encouragement to those who are serving...
An Open Door To Reach The Colleges And Universities Of America
One of the early gospel efforts Tammy and I were privileged to serve in at Temple Baptist Church was the Christian Volunteers ministry on the campus of the University of...
Help For Preachers
Today I have the opportunity to preach to a wonderful group of preachers. My heart is to encourage them. Thank the Lord for faithful ministers! Like their Chief Shepherd they...
The Biggest Need In Every Church
In the world of finance it is referred to as the Pareto Principle. Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist, suggested that 20% of a nation's people will control 80% of the...
A Guest Post From My Wife
Throughout this year I have had a number of guest authors on our blog. This one is my favorite. I thank the Lord for my sweet wife. Tammy is a...
A Helpful Article And A Truth We All Need
Occasionally I enjoy passing along a resource that has been a blessing to me. My friend Dan Cox from New Smyrna Beach, FL has written a thought-provoking article on the...
“The Pastor Is Not Supposed To Cry” by Mark Fowler
Pastors have their own hurts as they seek to help hurting people. A minister who cannot grieve does not have the heart of the Chief Shepherd. I thank the Lord...
In our day of cheap facades, strange additives, and generic substitutes it is appealing when anyone offers something that is completely natural. Entire brands are now built on the idea...
Guest Post: “Reaching Children”
Twenty five years ago I shared a college dormitory with a friend who would become my brother-in-law. Jason Caldwell and his family have committed themselves to reaching and teaching children...
Tradition vs. Truth
There is a tremendous debate in Christian work over whether certain practices are rooted in tradition or truth. Such discussion is not new. In fact, both the Lord Jesus and...
It’s Family!
Family was God's idea. It is the perfect expression of the Heavenly Father's heart. "God setteth the solitary in families" (Psalm 68:6). From the beginning He knew that it was...
“God’s Gentlemen”
Sometimes as you read a book God will cause a couple of words to capture you. That happened to me recently. Two words seemed to take up the whole page....
Longevity In The Pastorate by Pastor James Pauley
One of my spiritual fathers is my uncle, James Pauley. He has faithfully pastored the same church for nearly half a century. He is a man of prayer and a...
Cliques & Fraternities In The Church
One of the great stumbling blocks to the gospel and road blocks to revival is the party spirit that exists among many of God's people. This is more than human...
Preacher, Are You Growing?
As preachers of God's truth we must always be growing. Certainly we must continue to mature in our understanding of the truth itself, but we must also develop in our...
A Thought On This Labor Day
Men must learn to work. They must also learn to rest. The first mention of rest in Scripture is found in Genesis 2 where it is tied directly to the...
Exciting News!
We are thrilled at the number of preachers and their wives who have made plans to join us next week in Hickory, NC. This gathering has been designed to encourage...
Three Weeks From Today!
Preacher's are engaged in the greatest work in the world. It is a work that will outlive this world! 1 Timothy 5:17 says, "Let the elders that rule well be...
Dear Preacher, Preach In Faith.
All of us who have preached for any length of time can testify that some things are different every time we stand to preach. The truth never changes, but the...
An Encouragement For Assistant Pastors
It was my privilege to serve as an assistant to a wonderful pastor for many years. Eighteen years were spent helping someone else fulfill the work God had put in...
Virtual Solutions For Local Churches by Gayle Washington
Gayle Washington was a fellow-worker for many years in the ministry. Her burden is to help pastors and churches and the Lord is using her. She and her husband, Dave,...
What Is The Most Important Lesson You Have Learned?
As I write these words I am sitting in northern Michigan. It is a beautiful summer day at camp. This morning at breakfast I had an engaging conversation with a...
Praise God For Preachers
Thank the Lord for faithful preachers of God's Word. We need them more than ever and we need more of them! As I travel my appreciation for the Lord's servants...
The Difference Between Faithfulness And Routine
"Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful" (1 Corinthians 4:2). We all want to be faithful...but what does that mean? Faithfulness is not a schedule;...
Just For Preachers
I love preachers. It was my privilege to grow up in a pastor's home. For eighteen years I served under a faithful pastor. Now, it is my opportunity each week...
The Most Important Characteristic of A Staff Member
For nearly two decades I had the joy of serving on the staff of a wonderful church and college. After the first few years I had the responsibility of not...
A Guest Post And An Exciting Announcement
Pastor Scott Hooks is one of my dearest friends on earth. The work he has been chosen to lead in Hickory, NC is being blessed of the Lord in a wonderful...
What Is Going On In Our Schools?
This generation needs the good news of Jesus Christ! Young people are growing up in a world of violence and hate. Only the love of God can make the difference....
Preachers Are All Different!
No two people are the same, and no two preachers are either. The gifts and callings of God are unique in the life of every one of His servants. It...
Advice To A Teenage Preacher
Recently a teenage boy wrote to tell me that God had called him to be a preacher. What a joy to see another generation of young people yielding their lives...
GUEST POST: Preaching 101
Pastor Kenny Kuykendall is being mightily used of the Lord in Lawrenceville, Georgia. It was my privilege to review his newest book on preaching. I know it will be a...
Tribute to An Encourager
There are a few men who are admired by believers of all backgrounds. These are special men. Men who make an impact far outside their immediate realm of influence. They...
5 Things I Pray Before I Preach
Several years ago when I served on a church staff a college student came to me at the end of a service with an interesting question. He said, “I hear...
The Lord’s Love for Little Ones
Recently, I had the joy of spending a few minutes with a group of children who have given and prayed for our upcoming gospel work in India. What an encouragement...
A Goal for 2018
How are you doing with your goals for the new year? It is just the first week but how quickly we can forget and fail in the very areas we...
A Word to Younger Preachers
A Word to Younger Preachers Recently a precious friend introduced me as "a young preacher." I love those words. I am now at the age where I want to hang...
5 Prayers of the Evangelist
The service had just ended and an older woman whom I did not know came to speak to me. She told me that she prays for me and for my...
Our October Schedule & A Request for Prayer
Thank you for your continued prayers. A precious lady at a church recently asked me, “What can I pray for specifically?” I love that. Specific prayers bring specific answers. Please...
Now That You Are Called
Several weeks ago I published a short post on how to know when you have been called. (You may read the original post here.) It was encouraging to hear from...
How To Keep the Next Generation
A fellow preacher and personal friend asked me recently how I believed we could do a better job of retaining young people in our churches. It is a problem of...
A Tribute to Pastor Sexton on His 50th Ministry Anniversary
With Pastor Sexton in front of his first pastorate, Greenback, TN Along the journey God brings people across your path who will forever affect your life....
“How Do You Know When You Have Been Called?”
When the Lord first began dealing with me about being a preacher I asked my dad, “How do you know when you are called to preach?” He gave what I...
10 Suggestions for Those Who Work With Youth
Thank God for faithful youth workers. While raising our children I realized more than ever that no one raises their children alone. My wife and I praise God for every...
The Power of A Small Church
Our generation is mesmerized by mega churches. As I have had the privilege to be in churches of all sizes, the words of my mentor, Pastor Clarence Sexton, have become...