Devotional Blog

On every trip, decisions are made. Along the road of life, we inevitably face intersections and decisions about which way to go. It is at those moments that we must live by faith, asking God for wisdom and believing that He will never lead in the wrong direction. It is our hope that each article on the blog will encourage you to keep enjoying the journey…and look for Jesus along the way.

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Moody’s passion for the gospel is deeply in the heart of my friend, Bob Crichton, and I know he will be a tremendous help in advancing that cause at this time.

“Friends and Mentors”

Bob and Betty Crichton The Lord brings people into your life at just the right time and for many reasons. At certain junctures on the journey, He allows individuals to cross your path to help you find direction. Several years ago when I was serving at the Temple Baptist Church and Crown College, God providentially…

My New Favorite Way To Say Thank You

Many years ago I learned how to say thank you in a variety of different languages. I am no linguist. The languages that I have...

The Danger Of Shipwreck

As I ran along the coast in a Florida community some time ago I saw one of the most vivid reminders of the dangers of...

5 Suggestions For Being A Better Witness During The Holidays

Over the next six weeks believers will have more opportunities to witness than perhaps at any other time of the year. Even secular people tend...

Every Day A Gospel Day!

In the Old Testament the holy day was Saturday, the Sabbath. New Testament believers gather to celebrate the risen Christ on Sunday, the first day...

Whose Side Are You On?

It is one thing to be a friend to sinners and quite another to be a friend to their sin. The Lord Jesus Christ was...


In our day of cheap facades, strange additives, and generic substitutes it is appealing when anyone offers something that is completely natural. Entire brands are...
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Guest Post: “Reaching Children”

Twenty five years ago I shared a college dormitory with a friend who would become my brother-in-law. Jason Caldwell and his family have committed themselves...

A Season Of Thanks

There are many commands given to God's people. Each of the Lord's commands are given for our good and His glory. This is certainly the...

Seeing Through The Eyes Of The Blind

It has been my privilege to have several blind friends. As a college student I met a blind young man who had read several times...

The Evangelists

Their names are some of the most famous in all of Christian history. Their writings comprise the first four books of our New Testament. Who...

Tradition vs. Truth

There is a tremendous debate in Christian work over whether certain practices are rooted in tradition or truth. Such discussion is not new. In fact,...

What Is Your Drug Of Choice?

An opioid epidemic is now sweeping our nation. Everywhere I travel I read the horrific stories of death and destruction being caused by illegal drugs....
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It’s Family!

Family was God's idea. It is the perfect expression of the Heavenly Father's heart. "God setteth the solitary in families" (Psalm 68:6). From the beginning...

Our November Itinerary

Would you pray with us for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit in each one of these meetings? I know that apart from the...

A Man Who Learned To Enjoy The Journey

They were called "the Big Red Machine" when I was a little boy. It was the days before the baseball strike and before Pete Rose...

The Next Three Weeks

It has been a great blessing to me personally to meet so many people recently who are listening to Enjoying The Journey each day through...

From The Back Of My Journal

I am nearing the end of another journal and, God willing, will begin another soon. This is always a reminder to me of the passing...

What To Do When You Are “In A Lull”

Call it what you will. We all have those times when things seem just a little off the normal pace. The schedule may be the...