Devotional Blog

On every trip, decisions are made. Along the road of life, we inevitably face intersections and decisions about which way to go. It is at those moments that we must live by faith, asking God for wisdom and believing that He will never lead in the wrong direction. It is our hope that each article on the blog will encourage you to keep enjoying the journey…and look for Jesus along the way.

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Here are 7 Ingredients for Fruitful Bible Study. This is not a formula. Divine revelation cannot be reduced to man’s equations.

7 Ingredients for Fruitful Bible Study

7 Ingredients for Fruitful Bible Study Bible sales have soared in recent days. Though the Bible has historically led book sales worldwide, there is a renewed interest in our generation. People are looking for answers. Surely there has to be more. Indeed, there is! Men and movements, religions and rulers have come and gone, but…


Encouragement for Evangelists

This week our dear brother, Evangelist Tom Farrell, will be buried. He was a faithful preacher of Christ and a kind friend to me. I...

3 Times to Yield

Our son has just passed his driver's test and is now officially taking our prayer life to new heights! It is hard to believe that...

Your Best Friend

As a child it always seemed important to have a "best friend." I don't know all of the reasons, but there is in all of...

An Open Letter To Our Friends

Dear Friend, These are challenging and exciting days to be serving the Lord Jesus. The need of our world is great and Christ is coming...
Where Is Your Citizenship?

Where Is Your Citizenship?

Our global world talks more and more about "world citizenship" - the idea that we belong to something bigger than our own country because we...


It has been a great joy to meet so many people across the country who are listening each day to the broadcast and Enjoying the...

3 Ways You Can Touch This Generation for God

God works in every generation. His truth transcends time and His power supersedes spiritual opposition. My hope for revival in our day is not rooted...

Education and Evangelism

Oswald J. Smith, the great missionary pastor, identified in his book The Passion for Souls several reasons why the church has failed to evangelize the...

Energy to Endure

People frequently refer to Wednesday as "hump day" with the idea that they have made it "over the hump" - halfway through another week. The...

Stop Trying to Be An “Equal Opportunity” Servant!

There is a great deal of debate in our world about what is commonly called "equal opportunity." The term is generally accepted as meaning that...

4 Marks of a Good Song Leader

Let me begin by saying that I am no song leader! However, I am in meetings every week with people who lead singing and have...

2 Tools for Getting the Gospel to Others

There is no message like the gospel and no time like now to share it with someone! All of us are called to be witnesses...
What Will You Do With Your Summer?

What Will You Do With Your Summer?

What Will You Do With Your Summer? Summer is now in full swing and people are taking advantage of it! These months provide the opportunity...

Time to Speak

Citizens can love their country and not love Christ, but if you truly love Christ you should love your country as Christ does. In our...

A One Year Update and A Special Offer

One year ago we released the first book from Enjoying the Journey, a simple study of Ezra 9 called Revival Praying. The publisher just sent...

Life’s Training Wheels

Summer is a wonderful season to invest in young people. Over the last few days I have had the opportunity to spend substantial time with...

It’s Time To Stop Being Sorry

Some people live their entire life in an apologetic tone. The words “I’m sorry” are necessary and helpful, but they cannot become your identity. Yes,...

7 Keys to A Great Summer Camp

For many years summer camp was an institution for young people across the country. In recent years the proliferation of so many other events have...