Family and Friends

Family time

Family Night

Family Night Friday night was family night at our house growing up. Dad traveled for business through the week and, once he started preaching, preached in area churches many nights....
The family of God, believers grafted in to the family of God, grafted into the family of God.

Welcome to the Family!

Welcome to the Family of God! Recently I have had the privilege of saying to several new believers: "Welcome to the family!" The joy of seeing others come into the...
Troell Memorial

My Friend and Fellow Worker

The Lord has a way of connecting co-laborers. More than a quarter of a century ago God allowed me to get acquainted with a young man from New Jersey named...

Where Praise & Thanks Should Begin

When I was a child Christmas was my favorite holiday. As I have grown older, Thanksgiving has moved into that place. I love the time of year, the emphasis, the...

5 Reflections on Life and Death

This year has been a year of loss. In God's economy, loss is so often gain if we are ready to receive it. Somewhere in the midst of loss there...

God Still Moves Mountains

A few week's ago I asked friends who follow us on social media if they would help me pray for a mountain that needed to be moved. Since that time...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

My Hero Behind the Scenes

The greatest heroes often work behind the scenes. They labor where others cannot see and carry burdens when no one else knows. I am increasingly convinced that at the judgment...

Help for Your Family This Summer

Days are longer, schedules are different, and young people have more free time. Summer is the perfect season to give extra attention to your family. Over the next couple of...
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Planning for a Profitable Summer by Pastor Ryan Thompson

The following article was written by our friend, Pastor Ryan Thompson of Newport Beach, CA. Ryan is being used of God to lead the Liberty Baptist Church during an exciting time...

Your Kids Grow You.

Last night was a very special night for me and Tammy. For more than twenty years we had the privilege of being a part of the work of God at...
The Weekend Pulpit: And This I Pray

Help for Parents and Youth Workers

Each Saturday on "The Weekend Pulpit" we share a full-length Bible message from a recent meeting. Currently we are posting messages that I gave at the Wilds youth camp last...

A Word to 3rd Generation Christians

There is nothing quite like the excitement of being with first generation Christians! They do not use all of the cliches or know the church culture. But neither do they...
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Love Is Not Just for Couples!

There are varying expressions of love - friendship love, marital love, love for enemies - but there is only one Source of love, and that is the God who “is...

“Her Mother and I.”

"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" I have asked this question as a minister - but today, as a father, I will have to answer it...

Home Improvement

If you are a home owner you know that there is ALWAYS something that needs to be done! In some ways this physical reality is a picture of its spiritual...

What Ever Happened to the Love of David and Jonathan?

Satan and sin pervert every good thing given to us by God. At this moment many in our generation have come to believe that “love” between two men or two...

The Greatest Platform On Earth

Each week I stand on some platform to speak to people. A platform is a place that is elevated for the purpose of being seen and heard. It allows everyone...

How to Make This the Greatest School Year Yet – Part 2

When I was in high school my dad came into my room early one morning and announced, "I have something for you!" My teenage mind hoped that perhaps it was...

How to Make This the Greatest School Year Yet – Part 1

Students are starting back to schools and colleges across the nation. Parents and educators alike are hopeful that this year will be the greatest year our young people have ever...

The Danger of Isolation

Depression is rampant and suicide is on the rise. One of the factors feeding this tragedy is that so many people are very alone. We are the most technologically connected...

Your Best Friend

As a child it always seemed important to have a "best friend." I don't know all of the reasons, but there is in all of us a desire for closeness...
What Will You Do With Your Summer?

What Will You Do With Your Summer?

What Will You Do With Your Summer? Summer is now in full swing and people are taking advantage of it! These months provide the opportunity for many people to "get...

Life’s Training Wheels

Summer is a wonderful season to invest in young people. Over the last few days I have had the opportunity to spend substantial time with several hundred teenagers. In that...

Taking Your Family To The Next Level

When I was a young man in Bible College I remember Pastor Sexton telling us that as we grew we must always work to bring our families along with us....
Don't Lose Your Laughter! "As adults, experiences begin to define the way we look at things. But there is a tenderness and joy that must never be lost. Add adulthood to childhood but do not lose all of the childlikeness in your adulthood."

Don’t Lose Your Laughter!

Don't Lose Your Laughter! This week the Lord reminded me of a simple and yet profound truth. Tammy was taking me to the airport and we were talking about a...

5 Ways to Stand Apart In A Cruel World

Do you know what sets people apart in a crowded world? It is not skin color, educational background, ethnicity, language, economic standing, professional title, talent, or even physical appearance. It...

Starting Tomorrow – Sign Up Today!

For the last several years we have been publishing devotional articles on our website and sending them to friends who were subscribed to the blog. We have tried to share...

Living in Love

This morning Tammy and I had the joy of participating in a special couple's brunch and marriage seminar. Like many other holidays, Valentine's Day provides an emphasis that should be...

The Scariest Job In the World

Every job has its drawbacks and even its dangers. But, what is the scariest job in the world? It is a job that many of us have! The scariest job...

An Idea for Your Christmas Cards

Have you sent out your Christmas cards yet? Through the years it has become increasingly difficult to send cards to everyone that we love and want to greet. For the...

Change of Plans!

Change of plans - we have all heard those words a lot this year! On this day we had planned to be touring the land of the Bible. God knew...

A Gift for Giving Tuesday

Yesterday was the day that Americans spent all of their money online and today is the day they are encouraged to give whatever they have left over to worthy causes!...

5 Books to Read On Marriage & Family (And One I Am Starting To Read)

This week I had the privilege of speaking in a special seminar on the Christian home. The people in attendance were young and old, single and married, people with children...

I Would Appreciate Your Help!

One of the great joys of my life is the fellowship and friendship we enjoy with the people of God. There is nothing like being in the greatest family on...

Encouragement from a Friend

These are unusual days for God's people and many are fighting discouragement. A dear friend who labors in a challenging part of the world recently shared an encouraging article full...

The Perfect Father

All of us who are called "dad" know that, while we want the best for our children, we do not always choose the best ourselves. There are no perfect fathers,...

You Can Learn a Lot About Life In a Garden

  Grant decided he was going to plant a garden this year. His very own. He wanted to work it from scratch and use no plants, just seeds. The primitive,...

Still Worshipping Together

Today a precious friend, a faithful preacher, a man of prayer went home to be with Jesus. He walked with God and, in the last few hours, like Enoch, "he...

Revival of The Family Altar

The term has been lost with the passing of time - and so has the use. Few people today think much about a "family altar." Yet in days of revival...

3 Talks To Have While You Are “Social Distancing”

Many of us are spending a little more time at home these days! The worldwide pandemic and resulting restrictions have cut down on travel, meetings, school, and a host of...
how not to choose a mate

How NOT To Choose A Mate

When I was a young man someone told me, “Choose only a date who would make a good mate.” That was good advice. A casual relationship can quickly turn into...

As We Begin Our 5th Year In Evangelism

Life is not a series of endings, it is a series of new beginnings. Five years ago we finished a season of ministry at a wonderful church and college, and...

For Those Who Love Children

"Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world." The greatest way to impact the future of a nation is to reach another generation of children. More than...

Thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Pauley family! We are truly grateful to God for all of you who pray for us and continue to encourage us in the work of the...

No Substitute For Time

We are fast approaching the season of the year where vast sums of money will be spent on things. More stuff. Newer stuff. Nicer stuff. But, just stuff. It would...

The Danger Of Being Around Good People

I often hear it said, “They are good people.” This is a subjective statement, of course, because it is filtered by the person’s standard of goodness. We know from Scripture...

Marriage And Friendship

This week Tammy and I are speaking at two different couples’ retreats. It is wonderful just to be together and a privilege to invest in others truth that has been...
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New Ministry Contact Information!

Yesterday we published our quarterly family newsletter. (If you did not receive it you may read it here.) In it we released some information that I wanted to pass along...

7 Truths My Dad Taught Me

Tonight I had the joy of sharing these thoughts with our church family. Perhaps they will be of some help to your family. My dad has been one of my...

Why Everyone Needs Some Time Away

Call it a vacation, a holiday, a sabbatical...whatever you call it, at some point everyone needs it! We were made to work and God made us to rest as well....
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Journey To The Land Of The Bible With Us!

Have you ever thought you would like to study the Bible in the very places where it all happened? Just this week I read devotionally the account of Moses looking...
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An Exciting Announcement: Journey With Moody

The life and ministry of D.L. Moody has always been a great challenge to me. This humble servant of God knew the power of the Holy Spirit and was used...

Our March Prayer List

Life is not about things "to-do" but about things "to-pray" for. Every event should be an opportunity to pray. The calendar should become part of our prayer list! As I...

My Wife’s Ministry

Our First Valentine’s Day, 1995 My favorite traveling companion is the one that God is allowing me to make this journey through life with. Every place is better with her....

No Time To Change

This week I am preaching for a dear friend and wonderful pastor in south Florida. Tom Odom pastors the First Baptist Church of Southwest Broward in Cooper City. God is...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

A Guest Post From My Wife

Throughout this year I have had a number of guest authors on our blog. This one is my favorite. I thank the Lord for my sweet wife. Tammy is a...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Reflections On The Death Of My Childhood Friend

Last night I was asked to share a few thoughts at a memorial service for one of my childhood friends. Ramie and I attended kindergarten through high school together. He...

“I’ll Be Home For Christmas…”

"I'll be home for Christmas..." Familiar words from one of the most beloved Christmas carols. There truly is something wonderful about being home at this time of year. And yet,...
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Giving Tuesday

Across the U.S. the Tuesday after Thanksgiving has come to be known as "giving Tuesday," an opportunity to help the needy and invest in charitable causes. There are many ministries...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

My New Favorite Way To Say Thank You

Many years ago I learned how to say thank you in a variety of different languages. I am no linguist. The languages that I have taken have not taken on...

From The Back Of My Journal

I am nearing the end of another journal and, God willing, will begin another soon. This is always a reminder to me of the passing of life and the importance...

Thank God For Christian Education

The last two days I have been speaking in Michigan at a wonderful Christian Educator's Convention. It has been a privilege to spend time with men and women who are...
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A Thought On This Labor Day

Men must learn to work. They must also learn to rest. The first mention of rest in Scripture is found in Genesis 2 where it is tied directly to the...

Birthday Meditations

Birthday celebrations are special, especially when you get to enjoy them with family. The older I get the more my celebrations turn to meditations. (They tell me that reflection is...

How To Help Your Kids Make The Most Of School Days

All over the country young people are returning to school. Our own children start back this week. New beginnings are a wonderful opportunity to set so many things in motion....

“Thank You, God, For 13 Years”

Today is my son's 13th birthday. We have had a wonderful time celebrating this week as a family. How could we have three teenagers?! I asked Grant to lead us...
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When Two Worlds Collide by Pastor Mark Fowler

Mark Fowler and his wife Stephanie have been special friends to me and Tammy since college. The Lord is using them to lead a growing church in Elizabethton, TN. We...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Our July Schedule

Words cannot express how truly grateful I am for the prayers of God's people. I am humbled and honored by the many who pray for us each day. Your labor...

The Family Vacation

The European’s have long taken their “holiday,” but it is America that has institutionalized the family vacation. American’s spend an inordinate amount of money every year on elaborate trips and...
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Our June Ministry Schedule

Hello, praying friends! Thank you for standing with us on your knees. We need your prayers more than ever and are conscious every day that someone is praying. God bless...

A Big Day

Tomorrow is a big day for our family. In just a few hours Lauren will turn 16 and Morgan will graduate from high school. As a dad it is both...

A Mother’s Day Meditation: “The Law Of Thy Mother”

Proverbs opens with a father speaking to his son and closes with a mother speaking to her son. Children need the influence and instruction of both dad and mom. In...

Put Up Your Sword

Our world and our churches are full of hurting people. Far too often, those hurts come from those who are supposed to be fighting in the same army. Friendly fire....
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Family Worship

Did you know that the first time the word "worship" is used in the Bible is in the context of the home? On top of Mount Moriah Abraham taught Isaac...

10 Ways To Help A High School Senior

Over the last few weeks I have been privileged to spend time with a number of high school seniors. One of them is living in my own home! Just yesterday...

Truths for Travelers: Lessons Learned On the Road

As many of you know I spend a good deal of time on the road. Another frequent traveler, the Apostle Paul, once wrote, “all things are yours” (1 Corinthians 3:21-22)....

Special Announcement!

I am so very excited about the news I am going to share with you today! At the beginning of this year we began a daily podcast to promote the...

An Opportunity to Invest in the Gospel

Not all investments are good ones! Investing in the gospel is always a wise investment. Today I am traveling to preach the Word of God. Continually I am reminded that...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Our March Itinerary and Family Update

The Lord has been so faithful to us in the opening weeks of this year. Thank you for your continued prayers. I closed out a missions revival in Florida last...

Use A Story!

Everybody loves a good story. Some preachers and teachers are known as story-tellers. This should never be our goal. Our mission is to be truth-tellers. However, learning to tell a...

Tribute to An Encourager

There are a few men who are admired by believers of all backgrounds. These are special men. Men who make an impact far outside their immediate realm of influence. They...

7 Specific Prayers for the One You Love

lt,Tammy and I are on our way to speak at a marriage retreat for the next couple of days. This week is, of course, a special time for sweethearts and...

The Power of a Name Remembered

It has been said that the most beautiful word in the English language is your own name. Even if you don't care for the name you have been given, it...
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GUEST POST: “A Goodly Heritage”

My first guest author this year is my pastor and hero. He has been my best friend all of my life. I am grateful for dad's testimony of faithfulness. He...

My Favorite Chapter of the Bible

Do you have a favorite portion of Scripture? One of my Bible teachers used to say that his favorite passage of Scripture was the one he was studying at the...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

A Personal Testimony that Taught Me A Powerful Truth

Preachers do not always preach the most powerful sermons. Sometimes church members do. Not long ago I sat in an auditorium as a humble man rose from his seat to...
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A Special Prayer Request

I do not normally publish a post on the Lord's day, but today I have a special prayer need to share with you. In just a few hours we will...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

The Lord’s Love for Little Ones

Recently, I had the joy of spending a few minutes with a group of children who have given and prayed for our upcoming gospel work in India. What an encouragement...
Listen To The Broadcast

Will You Join Us On the Journey?

Six years ago this month I began writing on our blog. At the time God led me to call it Enjoying the Journey. (You may read more about why I chose...

Don’t Forget These Things On Your Christmas List!

Everyone is busy this week. Shopping. Eating. Cooking. Eating. Traveling. Eating. Wrapping. Eating. It is easy to forget the things that truly matter in the hurry and haste. Perhaps you...

3 Marks of True Friends

As a boy, I heard an older man say, "If you have a handful of true friends in life you are a wealthy person." At the time I thought it...

A Two Year Testimony

I was being introduced to speak early on in my time as an evangelist. The man who was introducing me was a fine man and very sincere, but his introduction...

Taken For Granted

We take family for granted…until they are gone. We take health for granted…until it is broken. We take sleep for granted…until it refuses to come. We take children for granted…until...

Thank God for Your Critics!

It is inevitable that critics will come. If you obey God there will be some man who does not understand. And the critics are not always foes - sometimes they...

Special Announcement: New Podcast!

As a twelve year old boy the Lord called me to be a preacher of God's Word. Through the years He has confirmed that call and deepened this conviction in...
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The Final Month of the Year: December 2017 Itinerary

We are drawing to the close of a very busy year! I am grateful to have a little extra time with the family over the next few weeks. Most of...
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Our New Radio Program in West Virginia!

If you live in central or southern West Virginia I am happy to announce that we are beginning a daily radio program in December. Enjoying the Journey will be a ten minute...

Thursday’s Thought: “FOR THANKSGIVING DAY”

I must be getting more sentimental in my old age. Over the last few years I have developed a great love for poetry. In so many ways it expresses the...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Monday’s Thanksgiving Thought

Gratitude begins vertical and becomes horizontal. As we offer thanks to the Source of every good gift, we are reminded of the many channels that He uses to deliver them....
Torch, young preachers, passing on truth, young men, counsel, wisdom

A Word to Younger Preachers

A Word to Younger Preachers Recently a precious friend introduced me as "a young preacher." I love those words. I am now at the age where I want to hang...