Current Events

Luggage of Life, baggage in life, getting past your past

The Luggage of Life

It is my privilege to do a great deal of travel. Through the years I have learned it is best to travel light. Luggage slows you down and weighs you...
It Is Time For Some Good News!

Good News In Rome

The following article was written by Scott Pauley for the God Bless America Magazine. If you have not read this vital work, please do so HERE. As we approach the...
I don't know who to believe, who can you trust, confused,

“I Don’t Know Who to Believe Anymore!”

"I Don't Know Who to Believe Anymore!" Recently, I heard a group of ladies speaking at a restaurant. The conversation revolved around current events and the chaos in our world....
The account of the Prodigal Son demonstrates the insanity of sin and this world.

6 Reasons the World Is Getting More Insane

6 Reasons the World Is Getting More Insane…And Why It Will Continue Have you noticed in recent days the tragic loss of logic? Relativism has eaten away at the foundation...
opposition in ministry, roman persecution

God Uses Opposition!

God Uses Opposition! Recently, a spirit of great discouragement seems to permeate many churches. It’s as if God’s people believe this is the only time of difficulty believers have ever...

What Is Your Bible Emphasis for the Year?

This week someone asked me, "What is your Bible word for the year?" For many years I have adopted a word, a book, or a truth from Scripture as my...

How Christians Should Deal with Racial Issues

Recently I was on a flight next to a fine Christian man. When people find out at 30,000 feet that I am a minister they usually have one of two...

This Is War!

Ask any veteran that has seen conflict - wartime is serious business. When people are engaged in conflict some things don’t matter, and a few things become increasingly important.  Selfishness...
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The Need of Every Nation

Truth transcends all language, time, and cultural bounds. There are no social, moral, economic, or political solutions to a spiritual problem. Therefore, the only hope of a nation is in...

Worshipping After Christmas: Gifts for the Son

The wise men from the east arrived in Bethlehem some time after the birth of Christ. The Lord Jesus was referred to as "the young child" and the family is...

Why Did Jesus Come As a Baby?

The Lord Jesus Christ did not begin at Bethlehem. He is the eternal Son of the living God! He, with the Father and the Spirit, has always been. Yet He...

The Christmas Message…at Caesarea

"God with us" is not just a Christmas message; it is the heart of God and the golden thread woven throughout all of Scripture. However, the emphasis at this time...
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Jesus’ Last Gift

Enjoying the Journey has many friends in the ministry who help and encourage us along the way. John Buckner is a real student of God's Word. He has spent the last several...
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Join Us for A Special Couples’ Retreat This January!

Each year Tammy and I are privileged to spend time with couples across the country in a variety of retreats and conferences. After 25 years of marriage we are more...

From the Land of the Bible…

Today our family and a group of friends are walking in the land of our Lord. In a very real sense, all land belongs to the Creator. Psalm 24:1 declares,...
The Real Need of America, problem in America,

The Real Need of America

The Real Need of America We are in a time of national turmoil. Rumors are swirling, tempers are flaring, and feelings of anticipation and dread are filling many minds and...

From a Friend in South Florida…

Just a few days ago we shared a helpful article on using gospel tracts. That post was written by Pastor Tom Sexton of the Gulf Coast Baptist Church in Cape...

Calling All Evangelists!

It is a great privilege to serve Christ in any way. The highest calling on earth is not the calling to be a preacher, but to simply be a follower...
The Best Hedge Against Inflation, money, currency, Christians and inflation

The Best Hedge Against Inflation

The Best Hedge Against Inflation Today there is one undeniable reality: inflation. Everyone has their opinion about the cause. Everyone has someone to blame - but inflation remains. Prices are...

A Word About This Year’s Southwide Baptist Fellowship

It was my privilege to moderate last year's Southwide Baptist Fellowship in Raleigh, NC. God gave us a very special meeting and real encouragement from His Word. (You may watch...

What in the World Is Going On?!?

Have you noticed? It seems the whole world is "out of sync" and people everywhere have gone crazy! At times like these people reveal what is really in their hearts....

When Life Brings Us to Our Knees

Have you ever been so weak, so weary, so wounded that your legs gave out? You did not even have strength to stand up! Occasionally, I have heard people use...
7 Things Christians Must Remember in Financial Crisis, money trouble, financial problems as Christians

7 Things Christians Must Remember in Financial Crisis

7 Things Christians Must Remember in Financial Crisis History does repeat itself. The most prosperous nations on earth have eventually and repeatedly faced their economic downturns. All of us who...
Sunday, 5 Ways You Can Help Your Pastor On Sunday

5 Ways You Can Help Your Pastor On Sunday

5 Ways You Can Help Your Pastor On Sunday For those who know Jesus every Lord's day is a celebration of the risen Christ. We are all aware that Easter...

“After the War We Shall Go to Jerusalem.”

The life and legacy of Abraham Lincoln have always been of special interest to me. He has been one of my favorite Presidents. A few days ago I read something...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Pray for Canada.

Canada is a beautiful country and home to so many wonderful friends. My family and I love Canada and have enjoyed the time we have spent with our neighbors to...

Takeoff and Landing

Air travel has become more than a luxury for our mobile society. It has, for many, become a necessity to business and commerce. Like the Roman roads of Paul's day...
Selah, Psalms, Hitting Pause, Hitting the Pause Button, slow down, hearing from God, busy

Selah | Hitting the Pause Button

Selah | Hitting the Pause Button There are moments when we all need to hit the pause button. Life races on and, if we are not intentional and careful, we...

An Important Christmas Message

Jesus came. He came to earth. He came to sinful humanity. He came to a people that would reject Him. He came to seek and to save the lost. Yes,...

The Real Issue

It is fitting that at the time of year when we celebrate the birth of Christ there is a renewed discussion on the sacredness and dignity of every child. Herod...

Concentrate on Christ this Christmas!

Some seasons are busier than others, but it seems the Christmas season is always full of hurry. Programs and shopping and get togethers! It is easy to just exist,...

Countdown to Christmas

Can you imagine the days leading up to the birth of Christ? No family has ever had thoughts, emotions, and Christmas preparation like that first family! Joseph and Mary, thrilled...

Now on ETJ: “All Spiritual Blessings”

This week, people across our nation will gather with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving. Around tables filled with food, many will pause to say a word of thanks for...

New for Children this Christmas!

From time to time I enjoy sharing a recommendation of some helpful resource for families. We are approaching a time of year that is very special for parents and their...

Do We Really See Them?

Life is busy and days are a blur. We rush from place to place - constantly moving past masses of humanity, people everywhere! But, do we really see them? Jesus...
Do These 3 Things for Those In the Service Industry, service industry, servers, Do These 3 Things for servers

Do These 3 Things for Those In the Service Industry

Do These 3 Things for Those In the Service Industry In recent months I have seen so much rude and crude treatment of people who are laboring in the service...

What Ever Happened to the Love of David and Jonathan?

Satan and sin pervert every good thing given to us by God. At this moment many in our generation have come to believe that “love” between two men or two...

Join Us This Week…

Today we begin the annual gathering of the Southwide Baptist Fellowship in Raleigh, NC. We are very grateful that friends from around the country are coming to be with us...

What Is a Fellowship & Why Should I Come?

Two weeks from today we will begin the 2021 Southwide Baptist Fellowship in Raleigh, NC. I am honored to serve as the moderator for this year’s gathering and would like...

Do You Remember?

It was a beautiful, sunny morning. As I made my way from one building to another on our campus a co-worker came running out onto the sidewalk. I still remember...

The Most Important Prayer Ever Prayed

The following article was published in a God Bless America magazine that was mailed to 52,000 residences in southern West Virginia over the last few weeks. Tonight we begin the...

We Remember.

Can you believe it has been 20 years? I remember where I was standing on 9/11 when someone said, "A commercial airliner just crashed into the World Trade Center in...

Thank God for Laborers!

Labor Day came about in the midst of the turmoil of the Industrial Revolution. From the beginning it was a holiday for working people. In our day we cannot fathom...

An Update On Our Israel Tour

Tammy and I have been looking forward to traveling through Israel and studying God’s Word with a group of friends. As you may know, this trip was originally planned for...

God’s First Responders

In youth we sometimes imagine that we must comment on every world event, but through experience we learn that no one needs our opinion on everything! There is both a...

The Danger of Isolation

Depression is rampant and suicide is on the rise. One of the factors feeding this tragedy is that so many people are very alone. We are the most technologically connected...

Encouragement for Evangelists

This week our dear brother, Evangelist Tom Farrell, will be buried. He was a faithful preacher of Christ and a kind friend to me. I am preaching at the Wilds...

An Open Letter To Our Friends

Dear Friend, These are challenging and exciting days to be serving the Lord Jesus. The need of our world is great and Christ is coming soon! We are praying that...
Where Is Your Citizenship?

Where Is Your Citizenship?

Our global world talks more and more about "world citizenship" - the idea that we belong to something bigger than our own country because we are a part of humanity....

Stop Trying to Be An “Equal Opportunity” Servant!

There is a great deal of debate in our world about what is commonly called "equal opportunity." The term is generally accepted as meaning that people are to be treated...
What Will You Do With Your Summer?

What Will You Do With Your Summer?

What Will You Do With Your Summer? Summer is now in full swing and people are taking advantage of it! These months provide the opportunity for many people to "get...

Time to Speak

Citizens can love their country and not love Christ, but if you truly love Christ you should love your country as Christ does. In our beloved America there is an...

Rest Is More Than A Conference

Rest was built into the creation week for a reason. Have you ever considered that the first day man ever lived on this planet was a day of rest? Adam...

Would You Join Us Tuesday Night?

Monday is a special day of remembrance across our nation as we reflect on those who have given their lives to protect our liberty. For a Christian, every celebration should...

Order Now for July 4!

These are crisis days in our country. What can we do about it? In "The Need of Our Nation" we examine two Old Testament passages and two New Testament passages...

Progressives and Pragmatists

The progressive Christianity of our day is nothing new. Those who have studied history will recognize it as a resurgence of theological liberalism. Solomon was right: "The thing that hath...

The Worst Thing Job Lost & the One Thing We All Must Find

“There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job…” So begins the story of a man who knew more about suffering and loss than most people...

A Tool for Bible Study, Prayer, and Teaching

Solomon said, "Of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh" (Ecclesiastes 12:12). This is the life verse of every college student!...
The Authority of the Bible

Do You Really Believe In The Authority of the Bible?

Do You Really Believe In The Authority of the Bible? Few want to talk about it today and even fewer understand it. Yet all of life boils down to authority:...

His Resurrection – Our Response & Responsibility

Early Sunday morning I sat in a quiet place and reread the resurrection account in each of the four gospel records. It is amazing how the Holy Spirit continues to...

Why the Resurrection Gives Me Hope for Revival

The message of the resurrection is not just to be preached to the lost; it is a truth to be repeated, remembered, and reflected on again and again among believers....

April Showers

The famous line of a poem that dates back to 1610 says, "April showers bring May flowers." Tomorrow we begin the month of April. While many are expecting April showers...


Such a beautiful word: truth. Its substance is much the same as its sound - simple and straightforward. There seems to be a short supply of it in our world...

Victims or Victors?

It seems so many want to be the “victim” today. To be sure, there are wounded souls who have been victims of horrible abuse and heinous crimes and those hurts...

What the “Cancel Culture” Can’t Touch

The only reason people have to knowingly promote a lie is that, for some reason, they are afraid of the truth. God’s people never have to fear the truth! Truth...

The State of the Church

Typically in February the President of the United States addresses a joint session of Congress and delivers the traditional “State of the Union.” This year's address was much different. In...

7 Ways to Show Kindness Today

Rush Limbaugh died today. He was one of the most loved and hated men in America, like so many who hold strong positions on anything. As I scrolled through the...

More To Come

Are you worn down? Nerves on edge? Wondering what is coming next? These have been challenging days for so many, but we should not be surprised. As we near the...

Living in Love

This morning Tammy and I had the joy of participating in a special couple's brunch and marriage seminar. Like many other holidays, Valentine's Day provides an emphasis that should be...

The Gospel Answer to Racial Prejudice

Born in the 1970's, I just missed the civil rights movement of the previous decade. My friends and I read about the injustices and racial tensions in our history books...

What Does GOD Think of Abortion?

Yesterday was the 48th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. In less than a half a century over 61 million babies have been put to death by abortion. This barbarity parades...

Thoughts for Christian Citizens

All Christians have a dual citizenship. We are temporary, earthly citizens of the nation where God has providentially allowed us to live and we are eternal, heavenly citizens of a...

Revelation: The King Is Coming!

What are you expecting to happen next in our world? Every day brings new challenges and changing circumstances. I cannot tell you what the government will do, how the economy...

3 Things To Remember At The End of This Year

The end of the year is often a reflective time. Dr. Frank Sells, one of my favorite Bible teachers, used to warn us of becoming "morbidly introspective." If our reflection...

The Star Still Shines

Did you see the star? Over the last few days there has been a great deal of talk about the rare convergence of Saturn and Jupiter in the night sky....

Reading the Christmas Story

Dad and mom made it a practice to read the Christmas story with our family each Christmas morning. As a little boy this was a serious delay in the opening...

How God Used A Christmas Passage To Show Me His Will

It was Sunday, September 7, 2015. My mind was racing in so many directions. I knew that God was working in my life to show me His will but it...

Beyond Bethlehem

I do love Christmas. While there are so many enjoyable aspects to this time of year, we must never forget that, for a Christian, every holiday should be a holy...

12 Days of Christmas!

Go ahead and sing it - you know the words! We have always had a lot of fun singing and acting out the old Christmas classic The Twelve Days of...

An Idea for Your Christmas Cards

Have you sent out your Christmas cards yet? Through the years it has become increasingly difficult to send cards to everyone that we love and want to greet. For the...


This has been a strange year for all of us. One of the words that we have heard repeatedly is the word canceled. Business meetings canceled. Church programs canceled. Sporting...
Names of God


There is no name like the name of our great God! The apostles said of the name of Jesus, "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none...

How To Say “Thank You”

Several years ago I had the joy of speaking to a large group of children on the subject of thanksgiving. In preparation I learned how to say thank you in...

Thankful In Difficult Days

Thankful In Difficult Days God’s people are commanded to give thanks at all times and in all circumstances - not when we feel like it. Praise is a choice and...

Christians Should Vote!

As Americans citizens we have been blessed - spoiled, in fact - to grow up in freedom. It is a freedom that few have enjoyed throughout history and many will...

How To Make The Most Of This Season In Life

Seasons are marked by change. The autumn leaves turning colors and falling to the ground are a reminder to us all that time is passing. And while we love some...

Light for Dark Days

We all know that this year has been particularly challenging. Clouds of doubt and a fog of uncertainty have come into a world that was already dark with sin. It...

Christians, the Constitution, and Our Country

A few days ago I put a copy of the United States Constitution in my briefcase as I left for a trip. On board a flight I determined to read...

It’s Prayer Time In America!

Last night I preached in a tent meeting on “It’s Prayer Time In America.” Yes, these are turbulent times, political times, chaotic times, dark times - but, for the people...

Regathering the Flock

Sometimes God scatters His people. This is seen in the early church when believers were scattered because of persecution (Acts 8:4). But there is a huge difference between the scattering...

Special Announcement About Our Trip to Israel

As most of you know we are looking forward to taking a group of friends to the land of the Bible. We have a great group of folks planning to...

3 Things to Remember Behind the Mask

It is a strange day. I can't get use to seeing everyone in masks. The last few days I have been flying frequently and wearing my mandatory mask in airports...

So Much Insanity!

Have you watched the news lately? At times it seems that the whole world has gone crazy. Logic has disappeared and common sense is at an all-time low. Some say...

Update on the Rest Conference

Many of you have asked in recent days about this year's Rest Conference. Pastor Scott Hooks and I, along with our wives, love hosting this meeting each September. It is...

Wash Your Hands!

How many times have you heard about the importance of hand washing over the last few months? The entire world is being reeducated in basic hygiene that our mothers tried...

Encouragement from a Friend

These are unusual days for God's people and many are fighting discouragement. A dear friend who labors in a challenging part of the world recently shared an encouraging article full...

The Perfect Father

All of us who are called "dad" know that, while we want the best for our children, we do not always choose the best ourselves. There are no perfect fathers,...

Reigniting The Pioneer Spirit

Churches are beginning to open back up. Pastors are trying to find some rhythm again. It will take some time to get everyone back and schedules fully normal, but it...

3 Lists You Should Make Today

We live by lists! Grocery lists, to do lists, lists to keep up with our lists. At this particular time in our world people are more reflective. God has providentially...

An Update On This Year’s God Bless America Rally

As many of you know we have been praying and working for some time toward a regional God Bless America Rally in our "Jerusalem" of southern West Virginia. 33 churches...