Bible study

To have the Right View of Scripture, we must recognize that the Bible was not written to reveal things, it was written to reveal God. The Bible is God's revelation of Himself. It was not written to reveal things, it was written to reveal God.

The Right View of Scripture

In John Bunyan's classic book, Pilgrim's Progress, Christian was on a journey to that Celestial City. As believers, we're all on a journey with the Lord Jesus Christ. He's our...
Overview of Genesis, Journey Through Genesis, Genesis, the Creation story, studying Genesis

Journey Through Genesis

Overview: The Creator God is the God of new beginnings. In Genesis, we meet the Lord who is able to speak and bring light out of darkness, perfection out of...
God's Word and Our Way

God’s Word and Our Way

God's Word and Our Way We are creatures of habit. While the levels of habitual behavior vary from person to person, all of us tend to do many things the...
the holidays, Thank the Lord, Thanksgiving Bible Study, Study of 1 Chronicles 16

Enjoying the Journey for the Holidays

Like so many of you, we are excited about spending some time with those we love over the next few weeks. As we grow older and more of our family...
Study the Bible with us, podcast, broadcast, Bible podcast

Keep Studying the Bible with Us

Keep Studying the Bible With Us Our mission at Enjoying the Journey is to help people Follow God’s Word and Find Christ’s Joy. This begins with knowing Christ as Savior...
Ten Reasons Why I Believe the Bible is The Word of God | R.A. Torrey, biblical authority by Scott Pauley

The Bible is The Word of God

The Bible is The Word of God Few people want to talk about it and even fewer understand it.  Yet, all of life boils down to authority: whose authority will we...
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A Tool For Bible Teachers

A Tool For Bible Teachers The best teachers are those who never cease being students. This is especially so when it comes to teachers of God's Word. Scripture is the...
Study the Life of Joseph

New Companion Study Guide (with bonus content!)

One of the most profitable ways to study the Bible is by its characters. While we know that the main character of Scripture is God Himself, the Holy Spirit has...
Learn How to Study the Bible, Why read the Bible, Why study the Bible?

Why Study the Bible?

Whether  a new believer or a mature Christian, it is absolutely essential that believers keep growing in their knowledge of God. This is only possible if we are day by...
Acts 10-28, Journey Through Acts 10-28


The uttermost...ends of the earth...all the world...every creature...whosoever will. Scripture repeatedly emphasizes the length of our mission and the breadth of God's message. Christ's gospel is not regional, national, or...
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My Favorite Bible Story & Our New Podcast Study

Do you have a favorite portion of Scripture? Keith Kiser, one of my early Bible teachers, used to say that his favorite Scripture was whatever portion he was studying at...
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Good News In A Bad World

Today's ETJ podcast concludes our study of the first section of Acts. What an encouragement this portion of Scripture has been to my faith! The Adventure Continues...and shortly we will...
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The Need of Every Nation

Truth transcends all language, time, and cultural bounds. There are no social, moral, economic, or political solutions to a spiritual problem. Therefore, the only hope of a nation is in...
Acts 1-7, Journey Through Acts 1-7

A New Year & New Adventures with Christ

There is no adventure like the adventure of following Jesus Christ! It is the grand adventure of a lifetime and it leads to an even greater adventure in eternity. In...

Travel with Us through the Land of the Bible

This week we will walk where Jesus walked. My first immersion into Bible geography came during a three day stop in Egypt soon after I graduated from college. Standing at...
Seeing God in Every Scripture

Seeing God in Every Scripture

Seeing God in Every ScriptureThe preacher speaks about the necessity of all Scripture and people politely nod their heads. We read, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and...
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“Revival Praying” Bible App Plan Now Available

Throughout the past few months, we have made available several Bible study plans through the Bible App. Again, while we do not align with this ministry in every area, we...
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The Next Step for our ETJ Podcast

It is a pleasure to walk through God's Word with so many of you on our daily podcast. The paths of Scripture are full of adventure and spiritual refreshment! Thank...
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New Book Release!!!

Dreams. Opportunity. Favor. Power. Blessings. Purpose. Jealousy. Conflict. Betrayal. Temptation. Prison. Difficulty. All of this and much more is found in the story of Joseph. His is a representative life...

Do You Know the Four Verses?

Recently I was sharing with a friend some of what God is teaching me through Psalm 119 this year. (Read more here.) It has been a joy to study it...

Good Resource on the “Minor Prophets”

Are you a life-long learner? We are all supposed to be life-long students of Scripture. It is impossible to exhaust God's infinite truth! You can search the Scriptures but you...

New 10 Day Study in Haggai Now Available!

Several people have reached out to let us know that our studies on the Bible App have been helpful to them devotionally. We are happy to provide these short series...

“My Lord and My God”

Many of you have been journeying with us through the Miracles of Jesus on our ETJ Broadcast. It is always wonderful to be reminded that Christ is enough, and we...
Christ is enough, the miracles of Jesus, what is the purpose of of Jesus' miracles, miracles in the Bible

Christ Is Enough.

In the face of physical pain, financial hardship, emotional distress, and spiritual conflict there is one truth that always brings faith and courage: Christ is enough. Christ is more than...
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2 Resources for More Bible Preaching

“…they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word.” (Acts 8:4) If ever there was a time for more preaching, it is now. As we look around, we...
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Note to a Friend

After all of these years and the multitude of technological ways that we receive communication, there is still something exciting about getting a note in the mail from a friend....


It has been a great joy to meet so many people across the country who are listening each day to the broadcast and Enjoying the Journey with us through God’s...

The Revelation Series and Our Next Study

My heart has been helped studying through the Revelation of Jesus Christ over the last several months. Christians have no reason to dread and every reason to hope! The King...

A Tool for Bible Study, Prayer, and Teaching

Solomon said, "Of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh" (Ecclesiastes 12:12). This is the life verse of every college student!...

Would You Give Me Six Minutes of Your Time?

Everyone is busy and there are so many things vying for our attention. It is impossible to keep up with it all! Today I would like to ask you to...

News About A New Booklet!

Have you wondered in recent weeks what more you can do for your country? On this President's Day I am excited to announce the publication of a new booklet, The...

Revelation: The King Is Coming!

What are you expecting to happen next in our world? Every day brings new challenges and changing circumstances. I cannot tell you what the government will do, how the economy...

Enjoying the Journey Now On YouTube

Everyone has their favorite media platform to stream content - there are certainly plenty to choose from! Our daily broadcast is heard on a number of radio stations across the...
Names of God


There is no name like the name of our great God! The apostles said of the name of Jesus, "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none...

NEW STUDY: “A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ”

There is a great deal of discussion now about peace around the world. At the same time, there is increased strife and fighting in our own country. But the biggest...

Exciting News to Share

One of the great joys of serving the Lord is watching Him work in ways we could never have planned. Yes, we are “laborers together with God” and He has...

5 Books To Read As Commentaries

Frequently I am asked what Bible commentaries I would recommend. This is a broad question without an easy answer. Some commentators are better on some books than others. For example,...

Next Stop: The Numbers Psalms

Life is a journey and the fourth section of the Psalms, known as the Numbers Psalms, shows us the goodness and guidance of God along that journey. If we want...

A Pause, Our Podcast, And The Next Psalms

Yesterday we concluded the first stage of our journey through the Psalms. The Genesis Psalms, Psalm 1-41, help us to see God as the beginning of all good things. I...
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5 Books To Read For Bible Study

The wisest man who ever lived said, "There is no new thing under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9). That is because truth is never new - it is eternal. One of...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Our Next Step & A New Study

This week we concluded our series on The Great Journey's of the Bible. The Lord has been so gracious to allow us to study Scripture with people around the world...

An Update On Our Daily Broadcast

It is amazing how sometimes the most far reaching things are the ones we did not plan at all. Several people have asked me recently how our daily Enjoying The...

3 Things To Look For As You Study the Bible

Are you hungry to know God in a deeper way? We come to know God through His Word - literally, through His words. We believe that the very words of...

Come, Go With Us!

In just over a year we will be hosting a special Bible study tour in the land of the Bible. If you have ever wanted to go to Israel, this...

New Podcast Series!

Today we conclude our podcast series on "What The Bible Says..." I am more convinced than ever that this is a day where we must know what we believe, why...
Helps For Bible Study

3 Simple Helps For Bible Study

3 Simple Helps For Bible Study It is truly amazing the number of Bible study helps that are now available at our fingertips. The proliferation of tools and the accessibility...

Samson: God’s Strength For Man’s Weakness

One of the most exciting ways to study Scripture is to get acquainted with the great characters of the Bible. When you begin to identify with the men and women...

A Special Announcement

We are very happy to announce that at the end of this month the Fundamental Broadcasting Network will begin to carry our Enjoying The Journey daily broadcast. FBN began in...

Starting Today!

Over the last few weeks I have been meeting people everywhere who are "Enjoying The Journey" with us through the Word of God. If you have been listening, thank you!...

The Next Step On Our Journey

A dear man asked me the other day where we were going next in our "Enjoying the Journey" Bible study. It is a pleasure to walk through Scripture together and...

New Radio Option!

We are very grateful to have our daily Enjoying The Journey broadcast being broadcast on a number of traditional and online radio stations. (For a full list visit We...
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7 Ways To Use The Daily Podcast

Podcasts are a wonderful resource for personal, daily growth. Listening to the faithful teaching of God's Word has often been used to instruct and inspire me along the way. My...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Make This Week A New Beginning With God!

Today we stand on the threshold of 2019. How gracious God has been to us! If the Lord allows us to live until tomorrow, we will turn another page in...

Do You Have A Favorite Book Of The Bible?

As many of you know, my favorite book of the Bible is the New Testament book of Philippians. But, like one of my college professors, I too would have to...

I Didn’t Expect This

When I first went into evangelism a dear friend serving in a "closed country" asked if I would ever consider having a podcast. I must confess that at the time...

A Fresh Look At Familiar Scriptures

“Why didn’t I see that? Where did that preacher get the understanding of that passage…and how could I have missed it?” Sound familiar? We have all had these questions. Perhaps...

Announcing A Special Christmas Series!

Can you believe that it is December? The month ahead will be a busy one for families and church families. We must never allow our schedules to crowd out time...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

The Next Three Weeks

It has been a great blessing to me personally to meet so many people recently who are listening to Enjoying The Journey each day through the podcast or radio broadcast....
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Finish Strong by Kurt Copeland

Kurt Copeland has been a faithful youth pastor at the Franklin Road Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee for many years. God has used he and his wife to make a...

Thanks For Listening!

Eight months ago we took another step on our own journey with the beginning of the Enjoying The Journey podcast. God has been gracious to give us favor and so many...
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“Lord, Teach Us To Pray!”

These words from Luke 11:1 are the prayer that opens the understanding to more prayer. How often we go through the motions and mechanics of prayer but fail to truly...

My New Favorite Bible Character

Do you have a favorite Bible character? Each one has some message for us. They may serve as a positive example or a negative example. At different times, they may...
Listen To The Broadcast

Q/A About Our Daily Broadcast

Last week we celebrated our 100th "Enjoying the Journey" episode. Yesterday we concluded our journey through the Old Testament. On today's broadcast we are examining what God was up to...

Would You Join Our Daily Bible Study?

Today on "Enjoying the Journey" we conclude our study through the book of Philippians. I have heard from people across the country and even outside the U.S. who have joined...

My Favorite Chapter of the Bible

Do you have a favorite portion of Scripture? One of my Bible teachers used to say that his favorite passage of Scripture was the one he was studying at the...

The “Go” Kit: Bible Studies On Witnessing

Just a few month's ago I had the privilege of writing five Bible studies on witnessing. They are designed to both inspire and instruct believers to begin sharing their faith...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

A Bible Lesson from an Eight Year Old

Road trips are fun.  At least if you make them that way!  This week I drove several hours to speak in a youth rally.  Often I travel alone and have...
The Greatest Method of Bible Study

The Greatest Method of Bible Study

The Greatest Method of Bible Study "I have been reading the Bible but I don't know how to study it. Can you help?" We have all been there at some...